Monday, January 18, 2010

I remember the first time I started the His Dark Materials series. I was in 5th grade, and every year the librarian from the local public library came and gave a talk about how to get a library card and about the library and all sorts of important boring stuff but the really exciting bits were the new books she brought. I remember she brought The Golden Compass and The Subtle Knife. I asked mom for them shortly thereafter and have very vivid memories of sitting on our old porch on a kind of wicker chaise lounge and just inhaling these books.

I think it is safe to say they are more dear to me even than the Harry Potter books, because I was younger yes when I read them, but also because they appealed to me in a more sinister mechanical sense. Deamons also really appealed to me, as did Lyra (and who didn't have a huge crush on Will, fingers and all?).

So, needless to say (what a stupid phrase!) I'm both really excited and very worried about the movie. I feel reasonably alright about it from the trailers and things (despite Nicole Kidman's decidedly golden locks), but what I am also excited about is the costumes. Not a total surprise, but a nice one nonetheless.

For example, I need to own this dress, in my size. Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie, I need, I need, I need.

I also love this, with the little smock. I feel this particular image and outfit is very reminiscent of my childhood, since my mom used to make me little dresses like that and my dad often had all kinds of weird mechanical science type things lying around.

Granted, she could make a dishtowel look good, but still. I need it, because I always wanted to be a witch in the manner of Serafina.

I have to admit, I'm not all that crazy about this one but it does work. I do seem to remember her wearing a lot of fur though, or perhaps I just made that up. Either way, it's gorgeous.

Also ft. Daniel Craig and tweed! (I couldn't find any pictures that I didn't hate, so snubs to that) And pirates. Also, a hot air balloonist with a bunny. I cannot wait, I might pass out.
I'm really sorry about the unoriginal title. It really did need to be done though.

I have always wanted a clear umbrella like this one, but mostly, how superb is this picture! It makes me feel as though I ought to have an umbrella to match every outfit.

I adore umbrellas. I doodle them a lot, usually with strange animals like snails (who don't need umbrellas) or mice (who I really hope have tiny mice-sized umbrellas in their tiny lives). The first umbrella I can remember owning had Catwoman on it. It was black and white with grey and yellow, and it was made out of some kind of shiny stretchy vinyl-esque substance. I remember loving it and using it all the time, even when it wasn't raining.

I also had a doll who had a parasol, and I felt that I needed one. I still do, but I don't know how much I would use it. With my complexion (read: clear) it would be handy, but I'm not sure I want to be that eccentric until I'm in my 70s.

Brollies Galore
I am really fond of the old-timey umbrellas like this one, with it's flowery print (I think I have bedsheets that match this), and even with the exchange rate the price isn't too bad.

Brollies Galore
The cutest thing ever. I love impractical, yet somehow novel, ideas.

konstantin grcic

Famous umbrellas:

The Penguin
I know he is a villain, but he had some seriously badass umbrellas. I am also very fond of the idea as umbrellas for transport, which leads me to:

Mary Poppins
Who I must admit, I've never liked much. I think it's that practically perfect in every way thing, although I do like her hat.

The Avengers: Steed
Gratuitous Feinnes posting Honestly, I chose the 1998 version because it's prettier. A man without an umbrella is a fool.

Has a pink umbrella. So do I:

My umbrella. From H&M, unabashedly girly. H&M has some nice, cheap, strange umbrellas. The other day I noticed some simple ones at the register, and might invest in a black one edged with lace to indulge my inner Gothic Lolita.

"Brahms, for all his grumbling and grizzling, had never guessed what it felt like to be suspected of stealing an umbrella. For this fool of a young man thought that she and Helen and Tibby had been playing the confidence trick on him, and that if he gave his address they would break into his rooms some midnight or other and steal his walkingstick too."
Maybe it's because I walk past the blindingly white and florescent storefront on my way to work (although when a customer left a catalog behind a few weeks ago I was rather taken with those images as well) but I really like Coach's ads this year. In general I'm not a fan of the brand, I think most of the typical Coach bags are heinous looking and deeply boring (although the Legacy collection is certainly much nicer than the usual) but I am really liking the bright tights and blocky color dresses in the ads.

(I know, lousy cropping job. Give me leeway,I beg your pardon! I am composing a presentation for class tomorrow as well as this post.)

I mean, I know that bright tights are all the rage these days, which is a bit of a disappointment for someone who's always been their advocate, but I really am quite taken with these ads. They're not quite fruity, although still wonderfully colorful and I am suddenly struck with the desire to have a thick wool dress that looks like a blanket.

My outfit from Thursday, which was oddly fitting for Shakespeare class as it was our first day reading Hamlet. I ended up wearing flats instead, because I am suddenly deeply afraid of damaging my feet. Unfortunate, as I have many many shoes, but my feet have already been somewhat inclined to shoe-damage since I was a child, and I don't want to end up with a terrible bunionectomy, so I will invest in lots of glorious flats to avoid this fate. 


Despite my admittance on a love of knee socks only a few posts down, I have to admit that wearing them with anything other than my old uniforms has been a challenge. I've been able to trot proudly out of the house in over-the-knees with nary a second thought, but something about actual knee socks frightens me. I suppose it is the rest of the knee showing, and it somehow feels much more like a costume to me.

I did end up changing into yellow flats, and then when I discovered a grey sequined pair in my car (those lurkers!) I switched again.

Michelle Phillips

Lindsay Lohan

Michael Kors

Marc Jacobs

Via Face Hunter

I have no idea.

For a while now, I have been on the search for the perfect striped shirt. I have a blue and white one from gap that I bought ages ago but, as with most shirts from gap, the sleeves are rather too short and drive me into madness with constant pushing up.

I have a special fondness for striped shirts. They are, all at once, reminiscent of the early Hot Topic days of 14 (Beetlegeuse anyone? I distinctly remember buying a turtleneck because of it's Tim Burton-esque appeal)and the sharp neatness of nautical paraphernalia. At the moment there seems to be a shortage of perfect striped shirts, but I will continue my most noble hunt, unabated!


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