Sunday, January 24, 2010
Here are a few of the update highlights:
80s Flat Brown Leather Oxfords
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week! I will be heading to Chicago this weekend, so naturally I cannot wait for Friday! Does anyone have any exciting plans for the weekend?
I will keep the narration brief, as I have a ton of pictures. As previously mention, I will be traveling a lot in upcoming weeks, and wanted to have a few new outfits, but am trying to save money at the same time. I decided to document the shopping experience, and cannot even begin to tell you how much fun I had creating outfits on $20 and $25 dollar budgets! Every single thing you see in the following three outfits was budgeted in the final cost. I even posted pictures of the prices! Here they are:
$20 Look- Menswear Inspired
Necklace: Forever 21, $5.80
Tank: Forever 21, $6.90
Belt: Vintage (thrifted), $1.49
Men's Trousers: Thrfited, $2.59
80s Pumps: Vintage (thrifted), $2.59
Grand Total: $19.28
Afterthoughts: I had planned this outfit in my mind before hitting the stores, and this is exactly how I pictured it. I chose a large, feminine necklace and heels to balance out the masculinity of the men's trousers. I did not try any garments on all day, so the only thing I would change is possibly altering the pants to make them a tad more fitted.
$25 Look- Lolita Inspired
Scarf: Vintage (estate sale), $1 (estate sales do not give receipts) :(
Thermal Shirt: Thrifted, $5.99
Vest: Vintage (thrifted), $3.99
Belt: Vintage (thrifted), $1.49
Skirt: Thrifted, $3.99
Knee Socks: Target, $2.50
Shoes: Vintage (thrifted) $2.50 (50% off!)
Purse: Vintage (thrifted), $1.99 (50% off!)
Grand Total: $23.45
Afterthoughts: This outfit started with the vest, and I just added pieces as I found them! I didn't initially intend for it to be lolita inspired, well.... I didn't actually start with any inspiration for this one! Sorry for the somewhat boring photo....we lost daylight to shoot outside after the menswear shot!
$25 Look- Inspired by a Free People Outfit
Lace Shirt: Thrifted, $3.49
Dress: Thrifted, $3.59
Tights: Forever 21, $2.99 (clearance!)
Ballet Flats: Forever 21, $14.80
Grand Total: $24.87
Fueled by mass quantities of iced coffee, I thrifted for seven hours. Yes, seven hours. It was amazing!! I found thrift stores that I never knew existed, and from the insane selection, apparently no one else knows they exist either! I came out with some great things for the store, and more importantly, completed the challenge I proposed in my last post. I will be posting the final outfits tomorrow. Before stepping out the door, I had decided to compose one full outfit (including shoes, purse, and any other accessories) for $25. However, many of you suggested $20, thus I also composed a different outfit for $20! For fun, I completed a third outfit for $25. So, tomorrow, I will be sharing a total of three outfits (two for $25 and one for $20)!
In addition to thrifting, I managed to find my way into the most elegant and overpriced estate sale known to man. This is where I stumbled upon the find of a lifetime; a true Edwardian era dress! It did not have a price marked, and based on the garments that did, it was well out of my price range. On my way out, I started chatting up the woman running the sale. She told me that it had been an incredibly slow day with few purchases. This persuaded me to at least inquire about the price of the dress. Since there was only 30 minutes left for the estate sale, after all was said and done, I proudly (and giddily) exited the estate sale with my Edwardian dress and a french beret $21 poorer. Yes, $21!!!! I am making an educated estimate that the dress is circa 1910, but I plan on posting pictures later in the week to gather some opinions from the vintage pros out there!
Here is my outfit post for today (worn to complete the aforementioned activities):
Mini Dress: Urban Outfitters
Belt: Vintage (thrifted)
Lace Tights: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Vintage (thrifted)
Doctor's Bag: Vintage(thrifted)
Whiskey Quartz Necklace: Gift from Robin
Tomorrow (Friday) is the last day to enter my very first giveaway! The winner will be chosen at random via random.org on Saturday, and notified via email. If you already commented on the original giveaway post, you are already entered! If you have not yet entered and would like to, simply leave a comment on this post stating one interesting fact about yourself! The lucky lady (or gent!) will choose one of these vintage bags/purses (with shipping on me!) :
Hat: Urban Outfitters
Shirt: Vintage (thrifted)
Denim Shorts: Levis
More detailed photos of the bags/purses can be found in my July 25 blog post.
I also just completed an accessory mini-update of the etsy store. I decided to part with my three favorite pairs of vintage shoes (none of which come close to fitting me, but I just couldn't let these gems go for some reason...I wish I could chop off my toes)! Here is a little peek:
The Spanish made vintage boots are a size 5, the sandals are size-less however appear to be a 7 (compared to other vintage shoes), and the vintage Hush Puppy mary janes are a size 8.
After a brief encounter with ebay, I have decided to transition the shop to etsy for quite a number of reasons. In the past, I casually sold vintage from my collection here and there on ebay. This was before my collection grew to the point that it was no longer contained in a proper closet, but instead required multiple garment racks in the dining room. Thus, a shop was in order to prevent my collection from infiltrating the living room as well! I thought I would stick with ebay, however I quickly learned it was not quite my ideal selling scenario. I have been a long time buyer on esty, and simply adore the community. I have also been extremely sleep deprived for the last month, trying to maintain my full time job and keep up with the constant demands of html and weekly auctions and shipping on ebay. In addition, I really would like to focus more on this blog, and would enjoy some extra time for that! Sooooooo, with all of the aforementioned reasons, I have decided to move to etsy! Yay! :) I am extremely excited, especially for the strong community aspect of etsy. I am in love with it already!
While we were in Ohio last weekend, I used my little sister to photograph the garments that were a bit too small for me (I started my get-back-into-shape working out today, after quite the hiatus)!! It is hard to believe that my little sister (10 years my youth) is 15 years old! She was so perfect for the shots that I may hoard everything to photograph until my home visits! :) Here are a few of my favorite items in my brand new etsy shop:
I have the store stocked with all sizes (extra small-extra large), and plan to add in about 30-40 more items this weekend, so be sure to swing by! :)
It has been a glorious weekend! Long visits and brunches with family and friends, thrifting (more to come regarding this!), historic hometowns (see post below), and the Dublin Irish Festival (in Dublin, Ohio). Robin's father is a wonderful bagpipe player, and participated in a number of shows at the Irish festival. It was a ridiculous amount of fun! We took a little break from it all to stroll around an area of Old Dublin and take a few photos. I channeled my inner (and former) gymnast for a few fun shots! I felt that the outfit below was perfect for crepe eating, so that is exactly what I did prior to our stroll. Tomorrow it is back to Nashville, with a few stops at antique malls along the way.
Photos by Robin
Cardigan: Jcrew
Dress: Anthropologie (on super-super clearance!)
Sunglasses: Vintage (estate sale)
Brooch: Vintage (gift)
Saddlebag: Vintage (thrifted)
Bracelets: Vintage (estate sale)
Skimmers: Urban Outfitters
I hope everyone had a lovely weekend! Any good thrifted/vintage finds this weekend?
Today's post is dedicated solely to a few inspirational looks that I have run into in Nashville over the past week or so. I will be doing a good bit of traveling in the next few months, so I hope to grab a few shots from each city. I just love seeing various takes on fashion and style. There are so many great internet sites and groups dedicated to the aforementioned, but there is something to be said for finding inspiration on the streets!
Name: Courtney
Occupation: Hair Stylist
Occasion: Her birthday!
What I love about this: Aside from her beautiful dress, I love how she paired flats will a fancy dress and hair; it balances the outfit so perfectly. And seriously, could her hair be any more lovely?!
Name: Tyler
Occupation: Server at Mafiosos (home of my FAVORITE cheese pizza!)
Occasion: I found him walking out of Salvation Army behind me!
What I love about this: His fantastic necklace! Tyler created it from a collection of other necklaces, including a charm of his mother's (who happens to be a designer). I like his hat too!
Name: Antonia
Occupation: She works in publishing on Nashville's Music Row
Occasion: Sunday shopping
What I love About This: Ummmm....everything!! Of course, I love her oxfords, but I also love the bright colors and the perfect summer layers (lots of necklaces and a light scarf). Perfection!
Thanks so much to those above for letting me feature you and your style! :)
Thrifting, estate sales, red wine, vintage stores, running, diy projects, photography, and yummy locally grown food from the Yellow Porch comprised my weekend. I love my full time job as a speech therapist, but sometimes 5 days work turns into 6 or 7. This weekend was the first weekend in a long time that I had no work and no agenda! I devoted this coveted time mainly to seeking out vintage and improving the blog. About a month ago, I ran into a problem with my photoshop, so I apologize for the lack of lovely borders, frames, etc. I am working on reinstalling the program, so look for a fancied up blog in the next few weeks!
Friday I visited my favorite "thrift row," as I like to call it. There is a glorious stretch of thrift shops (5 total) over the course of about 4 miles in a questionable little area of Nashville. I stumbled upon some great finds, including a vintage boy's Levi's denim jacket. Fits like a glove! Perfect to toss on over 80s floral print dresses as the fall weather begins to roll in (OK, wishful thinking....it was 88 degrees and miserably humid today)! Following thrifting and happy hour, Robin and I strolled through a little park by our house and took a few pictures.
And as if I haven't posted enough pictures for the day, here is today's Lazy Sunday outfit:
Giveaway: To enter the giveaway, leave a comment with one interesting fact about yourself, or maybe your ultimate style inspiration, or really whatever you would like to share. The winner will be chosen at random on Saturday August 8. What do you win, you ask? You can choose one vintage bag from the following options, and in addition you will receive a 1978 Avon Original Sweet Honesty Scarf (still in original packaging)! Here are the vintage bag/clutch choices:

And the honesty scarf:
To wrap up this post and wonderful day, here is my Saturday afternoon/evening outfit (worn to do a bit of Anthropologie shopping, errands, and to dinner at the Yellow Porch...yum!).
Dress: Vintage (thrifted)
Belt: Vintage (yes, I wear this almost daily)!
Skimmers: Urban Outfitters
Bag: Vintage (estate sale)
I am officially bestowing upon myself the Bad Blogger of the Week Award. I have been quite under the weather this week (I will spare you from the details), but that is no excuse! I have, however, stumbled upon various inspirations this week and have a few upcoming posts that I am excited to share with you!
I have been hoarding some pictures of a potpourri of items that I am loving right now. These are a few of my favorite things:
Honeybee Gardens: Honeybee Gardens is a fantastic beauty line of natural products that are not tested on animals. I have grown especially fond of their odorless, acetone and fragrance free nail polish remover. I love nail polish, however have always hated the idea of brushing formaldehyde laced color directly onto part of my body. Honeybee's water-based nail enamel is odorless, non toxic, and non solvent based. I LOVE it! my favorite color is vintage merlot.....go figure! I first found these products in a local independently owned shop, but their website offers really inexpensive sample sizes...definitely worth a try!
Lace: I am not sure if it is the summer heat and a natural tendency to be drawn to lighter fabrics, but I have been wanting to incorporate more and more lace into my wardrobe lately. I just love the way it filters light when on a hanger, and can completely transform an outfit when worn!
Itty Bitty Vintage: Ever since my best friend Courtney shared the terrific news that she and her husband John are expecting, I have been on the hunt for baby vintage! I have had limited luck at thrift stores and estate sales, however I did come across this little gem at Fanny's House of Music in Nashville. Flora Vintage has a few rooms of clothing there, and although we do not yet know the gender of Courtney's little one, I couldn't resist this chambray chevron print! It looks like it would likely fit a 1-2 year old. So tiny!

Flapper inspired fall/winter wear: As much as I am loving summer lace, I am yearning for cooler weather (for fashion purposes of course)! With boots, tights, boyfriend blazers, knit hats, and pretty little gloves on the horizon, how could one not look forward to autumn? I can't wait to get my hands on this flapper inspired hand-knit cloche by lagelle!
Oxfords: I ordered these lovelies the instant I saw them on Modcloth. When they arrived, I could barely contain my excitement, tearing to package open. It was quite a buzzkill when I tried them on. Yes, I wear a size 10 shoe (I am 5'10!), and the largest size available was a 9.5. I thought, hmmmm, what's a half size? Apparently a lot! I just couldn't return them, thus I fixed the issue with Blister Blockers! I swear they're magic.
This weekend has come and gone all too quickly, as I am sure most of you feel! I had a lovely and predominantly uneventful weekend. My husband (Robin) and I dog sat for the sweetest pup, and enjoyed some nice strolls in the beautiful, fall-like weather that graced Nashville this weekend. On Saturday I attended a champagne brunch thrown by my former boss, and was able to catch up with some great people that I have not seen in quite a while. Later in the afternoon, Robin and I went to the Belcourt (this fantastically historic movie theater) to see Food inc. Such a terrific documentary, and I highly recommend it! I will save you all from my rant on the growing/raising/processing of food.
Today was my birthday, and we had big plans for brunch, meandering around the city (to take some street style shots), visiting a park, grocery shopping, and a movie. I lazied around the apartment for far too long, and we accomplished one of the things on the aforementioned list (well, actually it was dinner, not brunch)! But is was an incredibly relaxing day! I did get a few wardrobe shots from the Saturday brunch and this evening's dinner:
Cardigan: ?
Shirt: Urban Outfitters
Belt: Vintage store in St. Augustine, FL
Skirt: Anthropologie
Shoes: Modcloth
Purse: Vintage, thrifted
Necklace: Estate sale
Dress: My favorite 50s day dress, estate sale
Shoes: We Who See, via Urban Outfitters
Belt: Vintage store in St. Augustine, FL
Clutch: Pangea in Nashville
On my to-do list this week includes working on improving the format, borders, etc of my blog posts, so hopefully things will be a bit more jazzed up in the upcoming weeks!