Sunday, January 24, 2010

Lots of lovely vintage finds for you ladies tonight! I have been working busy as a bee and it's been a lot worse since my site decided to get bonkers on me. Chatting with tech support is really educational though, all that geek speak, I'm getting it. *hehe*

Anyhow, without further ado, some lovely vintage clothes just arrived in the shop and I do hope you enjoy and share them with others that adore vintage as much as you and I.


A sneak peek at upcoming vintage dresses in the  all in pretty shades of blue from the late 60s and early 70s! I love these adorable dresses, so perfect for Spring! For cooler days even more darling with tights!

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Not one of my favorite Zooey movies, it was much too slow paced for me and felt a little empty in the end, but I did adore her clothes and the sets of course.
Today I visited Audrey Hepburn's star on the Hollywood "Walk of Fame" and I was like a little kid in a candy shop, smiling ear to ear. To think, I was standing where the beautiful Audrey Hepburn once stood!

So for today, I am posting a series of beautiful Audrey Hepburn photos that are not often seen.

BTW, Audrey Hepburn's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is on Hollywood
To start off the morning...

The last photo is of singer/actress Frances Langford who I will post about later. She is so cute and has an amazing voice for such a tiny little person.
Here are 5 vintage clothing, jewelry, and accessory books that I think every collector, seller, and buyer should either own or be familiar with.

As a vintage seller, collector, and buyer, I am still learning so much every day about the wonderful world of vintage. I first spotted these books at B&N (Barnes & Noble) and I've been back a few times now to browse through them and decided I might as well just purchase them because they are great for reference and great just to look through.

Antique & Vintage Fashions, 1745 to 1979: A Collector's Guide by Barbara Johnson

The Little Guide to Vintage Shopping: Insider Tips, Helpful Hints, Hip Shops by Melodie Fortier

Virtual Vintage: The Insider's Guide to Buying and Selling Fashion Online by Linda Lindroth

Collecting Costume Jewelry 101: The Basics of Starting, Building and Upgrading by Julia C. Carroll

Vintage Fashion Accessories by Stacy LoAlbo

Once I get these in the mail I will offer thorough reviews and some snippets so you can decide for yourself if they are worth getting :)
I was watching "How to Marry a Millionaire" (1953) last night with Marilyn Monroe, Lauren Bacall, and Betty Grable and just found Betty to be so charming. I've always seen photos of Betty, after all she was the number one pin-up girl during World War II, but this was the first movie I saw with her in it.

The fashions in "How to Marry a Millionare" are quite cute! The three girls portray models all intent to marry rich, (very very rich!) and use their good looks to reel in the men.

BTW, did you know that in her most infamous picture (the 2nd one posted here) she was 5 months pregnant?! I really hope I look that amazing!
A lot of the full skirted, poufy flouncy dresses are associated with the 1950s, but what you may not know, is that these pretty poufy frocks were actually quite prominent in early 60s fashion.

When vintage dresses are placed in specific decades in the shop, it's sometimes based on what decade the dress is better associated with. Some dresses, especially when they fall in those blurry years (right at the end or start of a new decade), are just too hard to pinpoint an exact decade, so while a dress may appear from the 50s, it could actually be from the early 60s.

Don't you wish dresses required a time stamp? LOL!


My haircut from September is in that awkward growing out stage where it's about shoulder length but not quite long enough to do anything with... so now I am pondering if I should get bangs or continue with the growing out? Hmm...
To surround myself with happy and positive people. To enjoy every meal. To find joy in all the little things in life. To be appreciative of everything. To travel more, even if it's just a few hours away. To wake up every day and be thankful for it. To write more handwritten notes and letters. To learn how to play an instrument, to practice Spanish, to sample more international cuisines. Better yet, learn how to cook them! To have fresh flowers all over our house, I love fresh flowers. There are so many things I tell myself "I should do that, it would be nice if I did that, wouldn't it wonderful if I did that..." but never do... so this is the year I begin to act upon the things I imagine myself doing.

What is the life you have always imagined? Is there anything stopping you from living THAT life?

Back to the "real world" on Monday (and regular daily blogging with more vintage and vintage inspirations of co
What inspires you? Sometimes I get asked this question and almost always I answer, "Vintage"... but when I say vintage I don't just mean vintage clothes or vintage dresses, it's a feeling, if that makes sense, a moment even.

I hope all of you had a lovely week so far! Mine has been quite busy with the holidays so very close! We leave to visit family on Wednesday and it's creeping right up, isn't it? Sadly, this year we did not get a Christmas tree. Strange we've been too busy to go get a tree (well, and all the rain in L.A. didn't help either). Will be vacationing for almost a week in northern California, hopefully we'll get some time to visit a vineyard or maybe spend a day in San Francisco, I am dying to go see "Wicked!" Most of all, I am looking forward to spending time with family and eating lots of food! *hehe*
Oh, be still my heart! These clothes are so absolutely lovely from clothing designer Juliette Hogan. It's a mix of late 30s elegance and 70s bohemian, but with more subdued colors. I'm in love...

The color palette here reminds me a little of Keira Knightley in "Atonement" as Cecilia Talis. The hairstyle is even a little reminiscent of Celia's hairdo.
Love the hippie carefree styles of the late 60s and 70s. Hope these inspire you to just relax, "go with the flow"...

"I've been smiling lately, dreaming about the world as one. And I believe it could be someday it's going to come."
One of the best ways to learn more about vintage clothing is to study vintage sewing patterns. The illustrations on the front really give a feel for what women wore day to day. I usually look at vintage patterns to determine the age of a garment, very helpful when it comes to dating vintage blouses and skirts as sometimes they're a little harder to date than dresses. Anyhow, without further ado... a few vintage blouse patterns from the 50s for you to enjoy!

How many different types of collars can you spot? Do you notice how tailored and streamlined the blouses were in the 1950s? It seems they were always worn tucked into a skirt (with a banded waist or worn with a belt). The sleeves are never fussy and loose, cuffs seemed to always be present (no elastic!). I am swooning over the white Vintage Vogue blouse with the horizontal tucks, I would wear it in a heartbeat!


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