Sunday, January 24, 2010

People today are still living off the table scraps of the sixties. They are still being passed around - the music and the ideas." -Bob Dylan




60s Dress: Vintage (yard sale)
Belt: Fossil
Knee Socks: Forever 21
T-Straps: Crown Vintage (via DSW)

So...please ignore the ridiculous streaks in my hair. I am transitioning from black to red (think Jenny Lewis!), and it is a lengthy lightening process! I go back in 8 days, and my super great hair stylist thinks that she may be able to get me close to my goal shade of red, and finally there in a few months!

I recently picked up this little vintage dress from the 60s for $1 at a yard sale! I knew it would be the perfect piece to pair with knee socks to transition into autumn. I am loving knee socks of every color and texture right now, and absolutely love the ones that Alexander Wang paired with the majority of his looks in his Fashion Week runway show! I am sure I will be posting another recap of my updated favorite SS10 collections this week (Alexander Wang included, of course!).
Sorry for the lack of posting this week....there were some minor complications in the healing process post surgery, and I was feeling quite death-like for the majority of the week. Definitely on the upswing now though!! :) Maybe even so much so, that it warrants an outfit post tomorrow!

I been been religiously following fashion week coverage thus far. Here are a few of may favorites:

Alabama Chanin

I was striving to keep this post mainly full of pretty little presents for your eyes to fixate on, and conversely, very little narration. However, I do want to share just a few things about (Natalie) Alabama Chanin's line. She strives to make her business zero-waste, all of her garments are homespun, the materials are all organic, and she lives in Florence, Alabama! How neat, and of course, socially responsible of her! This REALLY won my adoration in addition to those beautiful textures, layers, and neutral (yet done in an interesting way) colors.

Charlotte Ronson

Surprisingly, this weekend has turned out quite nice! I had my tonsils and adenoids removed and a deviated septum corrected early Friday morning. My mother came to Nashville yesterday, and is staying with us for a few days to help out. It has been somewhat fun to have an excuse to stay in and nap, visit, read magazines, watch movies, and continue to teach myself adobe programs, without feeling like I need to be doing something more productive!

After work on Thursday, I had a desire to put on a glamorous little vintage dress, as I knew I would be living in sweat pants and vintage tees for the next week! This will likely be my last outfit post for the next week or so, until I am feeling better and phase out my "sicky" wardrobe!

Dress: Vintage (yard sale)
Cardigan: Jcrew (super sale)!
Belt: H&M
Shoes: BCBG Paris
Purse: Vintage (thrifted)

I thought it may be quite comical to post a picture of exactly how I look now too... quite opposite from the images above! I mentioned that my mother is visiting this weekend. Well, she even came with a surprise in hand! My grandmother sent a bag full of pretty little vintage scarves and handkerchieves for me! Beautiful patterns, laces, and appliques galore!


Do you have any favorite vintage pieces from mothers/grandmothers? Do share!
I have always had an immense amount of adoration for Elsa Shiaparelli's vintage avant-garde designs. Summer makes me wish I had endless financial resources to buy up original Ossie Clark pieces, and autumn evokes the same feelings regarding Elsa Shiaparelli creations. They are beautifully structured and fashioned, and have such an allure. I feel like a great number of her creations could flow flawlessly into modern, fashion forward wardrobes.

Shiaparelli was an Italian designer from the late 20s to early 50s. She may be a little less well known than Coco Chanel, but she was creating edgy and avant-garde fashions at a time when chanel was creating functional, everyday fashions. Ultimately, her refusal to change her design concepts following the war led to the demise of her line.
The most glorious late summer breeze made its way through Nashville this weekend, allowing me to wear heavier fabrics and an assortment of legwear! It was quite the uneventful weekend, mainly just working with little time left for anything else. I noticed that I have not been wearing many vintage dresses as of late, and found myself desiring to put one on anytime I was not donning the ever-so-lovely scrubs this weekend!




60s Shift Dress: Vintage (yard sale)
Bag: Vintage (yard sale)




Dress: Vintage via Beacon's Closet
Tights: H&M

Saddlebag: Vintage (thrifted)

I hope everyone had a splendid weekend!
After speaking with the Venus and Mars store manager, I have been keeping my fingers crossed for the possibility of an interview with Karen Elson and Amy Patterson (the store owners) for the blog. I recently received an email that I feel is much more important to share than any possible interview. If you are in the Nashville area, or know anyone who is, you have plans next Friday September 4:


What more could you ask for?! Music, vintage inspired art, and burlesque performances, all in a beautiful environment, surrounded by vintage clothes. Most importantly, all proceeds benefit Amy Patterson's fight against breast cancer.

I am terribly upset that I won't be able to attend, as I am having surgery that same morning (which would be about the only thing that could keep me from going!). If you are in the same boat and would like to help but are not able to attend, I found out that they are in need of volunteers, so if you feel that you can help or would like to donate
Although I do love warm weather, autumn is my absolute FAVORITE season! I purchased a few little dresses at Beacon's Closet (missing our flight home was soooo worth it!) that I just cannot wait to wear over tights or paired with the knee highs that I saved from my Catholic high school days. This has driven me into a fall lookbook craze for about the last 48 hours! I tossed together a little collection of the garments that made me have that buy-it-now impulsive feeling!


---I must say that I have never really been into Kate Spade bags, but her clothing line is another story! --APC's lookbook is always inspirational for me....basics done in the most amazing way. ---I love the clean lines and girlified military inspiration in the Gentle Fawn coat. ---The Wren dress is stunning, and I love the proportions of the dress and jacket in the photo.---I don't know if I have ever wanted a dress more than the Dear Creatures dress! ---I can only dream of owning an Anna Sui garment, and her patterns and textures for fall are gorgeous.
That about sums it up! There is so much to catch up on from our weekend Boston and NYC trip, so I am going to explain through many pictures, and a few captions! In all actuality, this whole trip was about turning a rather large lemon into lemonade. I recently found out that I need to have a pretty invasive reconstructive hip surgery on both hips, one at a time (beginning in January). To make a long, boring story short, I have hip dysplasia-meaning that I barely have hip sockets, thus causing my right hip to fracture. The only doctor that can perform the surgery this requires is in Boston. I have been rather down about this, thus Robin suggested that after all of the medical/surgical consultations on Friday, we spend some "fun" time in Boston and visiting a good friend in NYC. What a fabulous suggestion! Here is the replay of our trip:

Looking out onto Copley from our Hotel Window

Our hotel window seemed like the perfect place for a few blog photos before heading out to dinner. I put a bit of a spin on the $20 menswear outfit I created on the August 9 post. Simplified and girlified it.




Later, we walked around Copley and visited H&M. Robin had his very first encounter with H&M Men, and snagged a few good finds! I had my H&M fix last weekend in Chicago, thus I shockingly left empty handed. We followed up shopping with a yummy Italian dinner. Eggplant basil pasta for me....mmmmm.


I know....not my greatest outfit post! It was FREEZING on the Amtrak to NYC bright and early Saturday morning. I draped myself in any warm article of clothing that Robin had packed. A bit after this was taken, the tracks had some electrical trouble, and we had to frantically dash to switch to a commuter train for the remaining two hours of the trip!

Farewell until Sunday! We are off to Boston and then NYC for the weekend! I am sure we will be taking a mass amount of pictures, and I will certainly be excited to share them when we return. I am doing some extremely last minute packing, and took a quick picture of one of my favorite outfits that I packed. I was tempted to just keep this on for the plane, but I just get too cold for any sort of bare legs when traveling!



I am starting to slowly renovate my etsy shop, website, and blog, so be on the lookout for a makeover in a few weeks! If you would like to exchange links for blogrolls, please comment on this post with your blog link, and add me to your blogroll!! :)
Please overlook the photo quality...Robin had our "good" camera on his trip when these photos were taken, and I was left with our pocket camera. Well, on my trip to Chicago, I thought it would be great to take some photos of a few window displays at Neiman Marcus that I was loving.....after a few drinks with the girls. RIP, pocket camera. Thus, I was left with my pseudo camera on my iphone. Oops! At least our good camera will be back any minute! :)



So, this is my favorite (non-fine jewelry) accessory. It is a vintage Robert Kennedy ring. I have spent a number of hours researching why a plastic ring with a small paper photo of Robert Kennedy was manufactured in the first place. Although he was a candidate for President in 1968 (prior to his assassination) most of the campaign paraphernalia I could find seemed to be comprised mainly of buttons and flyers. I also thought that this ring may possibly have been created in memory of Robert Kennedy. Whatever the reason, it is a phenomenal ring. I actually found it last year, in the bottom of a closet, when we were helping my grandparents move from the home they had lived in for 50 years!
I seriously adore airports, which means today is a great day! After wrapping up five days of job responsibilities in a mere four days, I am off to chicago with two of my dear friends for a girl's weekend! :) Although I am not the biggest fan of flying, I do find airports rather entertaining and relaxing. Of course I love all of the people watching, but even more, I think I automatically associate airports with relaxation since that is what typically awaits at my destination. But my absolute favorite part is relaxing while ingesting mass quantities of coffee, both in the airport and on the plane.

I like to be comfy and warm (in cold airports and planes), thus here is my travel outfit for today:





The one you have seen a few times on this blog:


Mamushka Marie's Vest:


Strange, but rather neat!! I went through all the possibilities in my mind, and this is most definitely a vintage vest. Part of the allure of vintage is the previous life of the garment.....Where was it worn? Who was it worn by? When did they where it? I know all vintage lovers ask the same questions of their garments! It really makes me think about the life of these vests before we vintage adorers stumbled upon them and snatched them up. I found mine in an obscure little thrift store in Nashville. Mamushka Marie found hers in a thrift store in Texas! Did they each have the same owner? Have they had numerous owners, including modern vintage lovers that re-donated them? Was this a popular vest in the 70s, thus there may be a few more scattered across the states? Ohhhhhh, how I wish I could find out where some of these vintage pieces have been!


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