Welcome September, my second favorite month of the year! Two weeks until my birthday!
I wanted to show you a few Atlanta moments! We had such a great time. The weekend consisted mostly of eating and talking, and you can't go wrong with that combination. Rhi and Drew are so fun and so generous and thoughtful. How did I end up with such a good family?
And I really have never seen a cooler house than Drew's. There is no contest. No woman decorates like Drew decorates. Or man. Gay or straight.
My friend Rachel is having a baby! She found out it's a little girl.. I wanted to make something for her baby shower coming up in a couple of weeks, so I went straight to Etsy for some inspiration.
While I found a plethora of cutesy cupcake felt hair clips and bear ear crochet baby hats, my favorite finds were, by far, the stuffed owls. One of my favorites was a cute little owl done by Plants and Animals (their shop rocks for many other reasons besides stuffed owls, so check it out!). While I knew I couldn't make a perfect little owl like they did, I thought I would use their pictures to make my own version.
So, here is the process..
And here are the results! Ayn the Owl. Made with felt and vintage fabric and coffee (not really the coffee part).
After Ayn was born, she kind of took over the place while Neil was away. Here are the exploits I caught her in.
Here is Ayn surfing the web, looking up pictures of other owls.
Here is Ayn listening to some music.
Here is Ayn having a snack. She loves her bananas and lemons.
Here is Ayn on the toilet.
Here is Ayn reading. I can't pull her away from those Hitler biographies!
What do you think? I'd like to give Rachel something else besides Ayn, maybe a little something for her and the owl can go to the baby. Do you guys have any ideas?

I apologize for my recent lack of posting! Our Atlanta weekend was a bit of a break from the internet for me, but now I'm doing catch up and checking out my favorite blogs, as well. This week, I vow to be more on time with posting. I also have some exciting plans for the Etsy shop that I've been working on for the last month or so that I'll be unveiling here soon! Like those harem pants and the tiered skirt I talked about two decades ago? Well, believe it or not, I've truly made some progress on my many projects.
On another note, this 1980's pink striped jacket is one of my new shop additions. After putting this outfit on for store pictures, I kind of fell in love with it.. so, I asked Neil to take some outfit pictures with it outside. The colors are really circus friendly and they make me happy for some reason.. I feel like I should be on a boat eating cotton candy or something. Although, I'd really be happy eating cotton candy anywhere.

Photos by Neil!
White Ruffle Blouse, Oversized Gray Sweater - Forever21
Striped Mini Skirt - H&M
Navy and Gold Belt - thrifted
Navy Tights - Urban Outfitters
Brown Oxford Heels - Bongo


Photos by NEIL!
Cream Lace Dress - Forever21
60s Ivory Shoes - thrifted gift from Rhi Seafoam Green Lace Bow - handmade
Well, my crafting progress has been better than usual. I've started six projects.. and finished one. But at least I'm in the process of a few!
The project I finished was a small one - the seafoam green lace bow above. I sewed it to a hair clip with the full intention of wearing it in my hair today, but lately I've seen so many beautiful girls with bowties and the like that I was inspired to attach the bow to my dress, instead. I think it works really well!
Today, Neil and I made a stop at Bongo Java, which is right next to Venus and Mars (of Karen Elson fame). Bongo Java was Nashville's first local coffeeshop, started by a man who didn't really like coffee, a man disgruntled by his current career path - journalism and political organizing. He started his cafe path in 1993 and has since expanded its operations to four different locations as well as a wholesale roasting company.
Have I told you I'm inspired by unconventional living (that's a yes)? I'm inspired by unconventional living. And to me, one of the biggest signs of living your life unexpectedly, impulsively, and to its fullest, is switching career paths, despite familial or financial pressure, in order to begin a business that you love. I need to meet this man.
The Bongo Java we visited faces Belmont University's campus, so the whole block has an eclectic, dilettante air. Just like most coffeehouses, it's filled to the brim with college students talking about Nietzsche and Britney Spears. While college students (and we post grads as well, I can't discriminate) are known for pretentiousness, it's always fun to sit around places like that and people watch, wondering which ones who talk big will act big in the future, and which ones will just continue to talk big.

Dress, belt - thrifted (polka dot dress to go in the Etsy shop tomorrow!)Tights, shoes - Urban Outfitters
My favorite little corner of Nashville has got to be the 12 South neighborhood. It's a place filled with hippies and craftsmen homes, great coffee and great shopping. That's where Local Honey is, as well as Frothy Monkey coffee shop (where Meaghan and I met up!!) and our new love, Corrieri's Formaggeria.
This weekend, Ashli, Garrett, Neil and I and our friends Kelly and Jared explored 12 South, going to a free wine and cheese tasting at Corrieri's. Ash and I also went to the Local Honey yard sale, which had great sales and a whole lot of hipsters.
Here are my yard sale finds! The matador is sitting on top of our record player right now, watching over the front door.
In four weeks, it will be my birthday! I turn 24 on September 16th, and I've been contemplating a wish list. I'll definitely be posting it this week. I've also been receiving some awards from some lovely blogging girls, which I can't wait to write about. Also.. I've made it a rule to finish 10 of my crafting projects in the next seven days, and I'm sticking to it (if I set a goal of 10, I'll at least finish 5.. right?). A lot of blogging ahead for me this week.

Photos by Neil! Pictures taken at the Battle of Nashville monument.
Zodiac boots - thrifted gift from Rhi Lace hair bow - Hohenwald, TN fabric store
Rose pendant - gift from a small town festival
I promised you guys pictures of the perfect Gunne Sax dress I bought at Local Honey a couple of weeks ago.. I finally got around to detaching the ruffle and moving it up a couple inches to shorten it. So, here it is!
I've always wanted to try out a Gunne Sax dress, especially after seeing them all over nice vintage stores. All of the lace, the high collars, and the empire waists. The soft half Renaissance, half Little House on the Prairie details. The boots are Zodiacs that Rhi found at a thrift store that wouldn't fit her, so she gave them to me. When she found them, they were coated in orange dirt on the inside, so I had to clean them out before I wore them. It was very much worth it.. now, I wear them all the time.
Neil and I have friends staying over again! My growing-up friends Ash and Garrett are staying over this weekend. We are headed to a free wine and cheese tasting at Corrieri's tomorrow after coffee at Frothy Monkey (the best local coffee place, hands down - although I still swear by Starbucks) and the Local Honey yard sale! After all of that, we're headed to my parent's house for dinner. I love spending time with old friends in new places.

Lately, I've found myself so inspired by unconventional living, and woodworking Vanessa of The Velvet Bird struck me as the same sort of person - AND someone to be inspired by. In her quickly growing blog, beautiful Vanessa talks about her sewing, photography, and woodworking exploits, as well as living a transient lifestyle with her musician husband in Georgia. Her ongoing story is further testament to the lesson of pursuing what you love to do, not safety, comfort, or financial security. Her creativity, headed in several different directions, is addictive.
What are some of your hobbies/interests/goals in life?
I sometimes feel like all three of those things are all over the place! I am really interested in photography and have been ever since I can remember. I was moving along quite nicely with my photography (and even did a few weddings!) but then we were robbed and all of my camera stuff was taken, so that hobby is sadly taking somewhat of a backseat at the moment. That is for sure one of my biggest goals in life, though. I am really into sewing and one of my goals is definitely to sell handmade clothing on Etsy. My husband and I are really into sustainable living and whatnot, so I would love to incorporate that into the things I make eventually. The list of hobbies and things I have in my head to make is never ending, I have a short attention span, I think. I also want to start blogging more!
How has being young and creative affected who you are as a person?
It's very freeing! I now know without a doubt that I never want to have a "normal" job. It's just too bad I realized this after almost completely finishing a Bachelor's degree to be a teacher, ha. The more creative I get and the more I follow what I feel I am supposed to do, the less I worry about things like jobs/finances/not succeeding. My husband is in a touring band which involves ever changing plans/schedules, so I have no idea what we'll be doing in a few months or if we'll be home. That lifestyle has made me more of a carefree person, as well as much more appreciative of everything I've been given. I also probably appreciate sleeping in my own bed more than most people!
Tell us about woodworking, how you got involved, and what it means to you!
I wish I had some big exciting story, but it was almost more of a coincidence. My list of ideas/attempted projects is quite long. Somewhere in there I thought some sort of wooden pendants would be a really fun idea for Etsy, and it just sort of grew from there. I am really fortunate to have a father-in-law in the neighborhood with a garage full of tools (and a lot of patience!) who was willing to show me the woodworking ropes. I am definitely still learning. My head is now full of a lot of ideas involving woodworking, so keep an eye out! It is miserably hot in Georgia, so I don't last very long in the hot and sweaty garage right now.

How has the Etsy shop process been for you? What projects do you have in the works for the shop?
It has been a blast so far. I run around the house squealing for awhile every time I have sold something (my husband can attest to this). I'm just starting out, but I really hope it only keeps growing. I love Etsy and enjoy all of the Etsy process so much. I believe my next endeavor will be clocks involving woodworking and refashioned/altered clothing, but that won't be until October because I will be on tour with my husband (you can't use a saw or a sewing machine in a van). I plan to be a part of Etsy for a long, long time to come.
Thanks so much, Vanessa! (The picture above is deer embroidery that Vanessa has been working on for an embroidered pendant, as well as more jewelry projects currently in the works!)
So, for the giveaway... you guys get to choose this time! Vanessa is giving away either a mustache pendant necklace..
Or, Vanessa's newest completed project - the bow pendant necklace (my new favorite)!
All of you have to do to enter the giveaway is leave a comment letting me know which necklace you would choose, the CLICK NOW