Sunday, January 24, 2010



I think it is safe to say that I may be a bit too excited for the upcoming holidays (but is there really such a thing?!).  My excitement, combined with the fact that I get sick of wearing my hair the same way everyday resulted in some experimenting.  I spent a lazy Sunday trying out a few fancy, vintage inspired holiday hairdos. This was the first time I attempted finger waves and pin curls myself (I say myself because the gentleman who styled my hair for my wedding very unsuccessfully attempted them).  I was actually quite pleased with how they turned out, and it really took no time at all! I wanted just a few finger waves surrounding my face, then cascading into pin curls.  I just can't wait until my hair is long enough to try some Veronica Lake inspired loose waves!





On Wednesday evening, I got together with a few friends for a wonderfully fun girl's night. Sometime during our evening of pottery painting, the conversation turned to literature. We discussed current reads and past favorites. Long after the conversation had transitioned to another topic, I found myself still thinking of my favorite books from the past. I remember being so engulfed in Anne of Green Gables, and to this day I still have a mental picture of Anne haphazardly walking on the roof. Naturally, my mind soon switched to fashions reminiscent of Anne of Green Gables.




Sweater: UO
Dress: Vintage (estate sale)
Belt: Vintage (a now defunct vintage store)
White Tights: Target
Lace Tights: Urban Outfitters
Vintage Booties: Etsy
Cocktail Ring: Pangea (Nashville)

The majority of the time after uploading my photos, I give the files rather bland and meaningless names such as "shoes.jpg" or "bluedress.jpg."  Today I named the above photos "eh_outfit.jpg," eh_outfit2.jpg," etc.  I didn't put too much thought into the file names, however they very accurately reflect my feelings: eh. I am not too fond of the proportions of this outfit, and though I love the look of each piece individually, I'm not crazy about the combination.

I suppose we all have those eh outfit days from time to time. My feelings about this outfit may be exacerbated by the fact that I am in the middle of a Madmen marathon, and it makes me want to be nothing less and fancifully dressed to the nines at all times!


Gingham Grunge

Favorite vintage boots!

Gingham Grunge


Cardigan: Jcrew
Red Gingham Bodysuit: Vintage (estate sale)
Belt: Vintage (estate sale)
Skirt: Super sale @ UO
Tights: Target
Boots: Vintage (ebay)
Purse: Vintage (thrifted)
Bracelet: Vintage necklace (estate sale)

 I have been living in these boots! They are just the perfect pair of fall/winter boots....they already have so much wear/character, thus I do not need to worry if they get any rain or snow on them.

I am  a little really embarrased to admit this, but I already have my holiday outfits planned. Eek! Am I the only one? Please tell me that you have yours planned too! I feel that holiday parties are an excuse to get all fancied up, and I get so excited at the prospect of digging in the back of my closet and pulling out lively dresses that are rarely worn!

This year I created all of my holiday outfits from pieces already in my closet, both modern and vintage. However, this did not stop me from scouring the internet and creating a few holiday party dream outfits (dream outfits, as in if funds and shopping time were unlimited)! Actually, most pieces are relatively inexpensive, ranging from $7-$140. I probably should not have done this I want everything!






She and her fiance, Django, maintain this lovely and inspirational collection of fashion musings, gorgeous photos, music interests, and various other life tales. Their blog is so swoon-worthy and has quickly become one of my favorite daily reads!


2. Your favorite food? Healthy: Honeycrisp apples or fresh spinach. Indulgence:  Fancy chocolate cake with loads of chocolate icing, or Raspberry chocolate chip ice cream! 
3. Your favorite drink? Hmmm...this is a toss up. Either french press coffee, or beer! 
4. Your dream/goal? To be involved in fashion journalism in some aspect, and to own my own vintage store. 
5. Your hobby?  Running, Sunday soccer league, climbing, shopping (is that considered a hobby?), my etsy shop, surfing.
6. Your fear? Funny Weird story....when I was in high school, my mother and I had two different peeping toms that frequented our house (we lived in a small town, and it was quite odd and scary). I think this experience directly influenced my only fear....someone breaking in when I am home. Eek! 
7. Where were you last night? At home, just relaxing and catching up on work.
8. Something you say all the time? "Gee Willikers" and "Oh my goodness" seriously. Robin says that I am an old man. 
9. Something that you're not? Unfortunately, Laid back. I am very type-A. 
10. Wishlist Item? This La Mer watch that I have my eye on!
la mer





Hat: Off Saks Outlet
Coat: Nordstrom (a number of years ago)

Jeans: BDG via UO
Socks: H&M
T-Strap Flats: UO
Bag: Vintage (thrifted)

This morning brought an early dentist appointment, and whew, it was cold! It seems winter temperatures have made themselves at home in Nashville. I didn't feel too inclined to get fancied up to sit in a dentist chair at 8 am, so I mainly dressed to ward off the cold and wind. I tried out my new flats that arrived yesterday (does anyone else get extremely excited when they hear the UPS man knock at the door?!). The flats are so girly, and the perfect pinkish-nude hue! I think that they will be perfect to brighten up darker winter outfits.

Do you wear light colored shoes in winter? I have never been one to really follow standard fashion rules, but I was wondering how everyone else feels about this!









but every morning I walk past my vintage clothing rack and I just want to snatch it down and wear it! I thought that Thanksgiving was the perfect day to take it for a little spin. Unlucky for me, but lucky for the Leproust Boutique, this beauty of a dress did not quite fit me as I would have liked. At 5'10 my torso is a tad too long for this dress, and the bow ended up right on my bust, and not below as it should be! After it is washed and pressed it will make its way into the shop!

This year was the very first year that neither Robin or myself traveled back to Ohio to be with our families on Thanksgiving. I am still having trouble getting around, and a long car ride would have been tough. Crutches and cooking do not mix, thus we made an executive decision to order a vegan Thanksgiving dinner for two from Whole Foods. Boy, was it delicious! We were both pretty impressed, and it turned out to be an incredibly relaxing and lovely Thanksgiving!

 I thought I would throw in some humor and whip up some paper pilgrim hats. I have a confession: although I LOVE to craft, I am exceptionally terrible at it! Poor Robin's hat looks like something from a kindergarten classroom! On a side note, I picked up the sweater he is wearing for $1 at an estate sale not too long ago, and it turned out to be the perfect Thanksgiving sweater! 






Cardigan: Jcrew (on super sale last year!)
Romper: Vintage (estate sale)
Belt: Vintage (estate sale)
Tights: Target
Granny Boots: Vintage (ebay....for $10!)

I was so excited to wear the romper that I picked up at last week's estate sale! I threw some vintage granny boots with it to create a girlified grunge feel. The woman at the estate sale informed my mother and I that this romper was originally a gym suit at a school.  When I wore a slip peaking out of the bottom of my skirt, I remarked that my grandmother's generation would likely be mortified....well, I think I am a repeat offender. I am certain ladies of older generations would wonder why on earth I am wearing around a gym suit!  These photos were taken this evening as we were heading out on a boot hunt for Robin. We found the most perfect boots for him - more on that later though........

I hope that everyone is having a fantastic week so far! For those of you in the states, I hope you all have a fantastic, safe, and relaxing Thanksgiving! :)



Cowl Scarf: H&M
Safari Shirt: Vintage (thrifted)
Belt: Vintage (thrifted)

This was my Monday outfit, worn for working from home and grocery shopping. As the cooler weather rolls in, I am trying to avoid going straight to my default jeans, vintage tee, and oversized sweater every single day. The above combination seemed like a comfy-casual alternative, and it did in fact prove itself to be quite warm and cozy!




Speaking of cozy, I have been extremely interested in a few random things as of late: honeycrisp apples, french press coffee in the morning and soy hot chocolate in the evening, and wrapping up in my favorite blanket to watch an evening movie while I sip my hot chocolate. Sunday evening we watched a German-Austrian film called the Edukators (Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei). It was made a few years ago, however if you have not seen it I highly recommend it. It is based around modern day political and social activism and a love triangle/story all wrapped into one.  The sound track was pretty darn great too (Jeff Buckley, Placebo, Nada Surf, Phoenix, etc).



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