Saturday, January 23, 2010

A few links for your Sunday reading pleasure:

-As I mentioned on Sunday, China is suddenly likely to allow the renminbi to appreciate in 2010, breaking its de facto peg to the dollar. The FT analyzes.

-Dave asked a good question on the comments page of my Bernanke post below: what's up with Tim Geithner? Volcker apparently drank his milkshake in the White House banks debate, and then Geithner goes on television essentially undermining his president's proposals. Paul Krugman isn't happy about that.

-Looks like Bernanke might have the votes for confirmation after all. Simon Johnson started an interesting, short-lived movement to draft Paul Krugman for the job, but this was quickly snuffed out by Krugman himself.

-The Haitian government believes the earthquake will cut GDP by a whopping 25%.

-Seed Magazine looks at science as diplomacy.

-Obama's first year in statistics.

-Futurists in Britain predict new legs for all, especially troops and football stars.

-NYC's own Vampire Weekend debuted at #1 on the US Billboard charts with their new album 'Contra.' They played New York's Bowery Ballroom on Tuesday, a hometown celebration of sorts, and I was there. Fun was had by all.


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