Sunday, January 24, 2010


There is nothing better on a chilly and rainy evening than comfy clothes.  Last evening Robin and I had plans to meet our dear friend, Katerina for dinner.  The restaurant was only a few blocks away, but the walk required something warm and cozy. The past few days I have been living in knee highs paired with cuffed jeans and oxfords!

Katerina gave me this ring, which I am absolutely in love with!! She found it at a ceramics shop, and it has so much character!
Yeah, sorry about the terribly cheesy pun....I just couldn't resist! I have been so obsessed with knee high and over the knee socks since chilly climate finally made its way to Nashville (well....there were actually a few 90 degree days over the summer that I just HAD to wear knee highs)!

Knee high socks never seem to really go away....which I love.  The vibrant colors of the mod era knee socks were my favorite. This transitioned to more sporty versions of the beloved sock in the 70s and 80s (am I the only one who has baby pictures with my dad holding me while he is wearing white knee socks with the blue stripes around the top, paired with too small MacGregor shorts)!? And, of course, who could forget the Catholic school girl look of the late 90s/early 2000s? I was actually a Catholic school girl at this time. I wish I could find my school pictures....think TONS of patterned knee socks paired with Doc Martens, a plaid skirt (rolled at the top to shorten it) and a polo top.  Post high school graduation I never wanted to see a knee sock again, or so I thought! Now, once again, I cannot get enough of them. Here are a few inspirations, and a few of my favorites:


This weekend was absolutely amazing! I flew to Chapel Hill after I wrapped up work on Friday to spend the weekend with my best friends from college.  As I mentioned in my previous post, my best friend Courtney and her husband are expecting, and I could not be more excited! We threw a little shower for her Friday night, and explored Chapel Hill, shopped, and ate entirely too much (but delicious) food all weekend! I forgot to charge the camera battery before I left, so I was left with the photo capabilities of my iphone for the majority of the weekend.  It is a shame because Chapel Hill is SO gorgeous, and I wish I could have taken high quality photos of all of the beautiful foliage, buildings, and unique shops! Here are a few pics from the weekend:

I am not normally the mani/pedi type (climbing and soccer tend to negate the effort), however I decided to hit the airport manicure bar after I was made aware that my flight was delayed a few hours. I questioned this decision midway through my manicure (about the time I questioned if airport manicure bars are really sanitary), but fortunately I still have all ten fingers.


After I finally arrived in North Carolina, it was baby shower time!


This was my favorite present that I picked out for Court.....toddler vintage! A tiny chambray chevron print dress from the 70s!


Yummy shower food!

Off Franklin St. in Chapel Hill

Perfect pregnancy style!

Jamie, Courtney, Myself, and Susan

My purchases from the trip for myself... Floral tights and bright saddle shoes!

Purchase for the Leproust etsy store!

A few more purchases/finds for the Leproust etsy store



Cardigan: Jcrew

Belt: Vintage (via a now defunct vintage store)
Tights: Target
Shoes: Rocket Dog

Oh, please note that this is not how I looked during the day today....remember, I was disheveled. And I have to wear icky scrubs to work. This is after I returned home from work, and made myself look more human.

I really need to go pack.....I am flying to North Carolina for the weekend. My very best friend is 6 months pregnant, and my college friends are getting together for a girl's weekend in leu of a more traditional baby shower (she already has so many to attend)! I truly cannot is going to be a great weekend!

Do you have any plans for this weekend? I am also curious to hear how everyone transitions some of their favorite warm weather garments into fall and winter! Do share! :)
This week I have successfully managed not to face-plant in the middle of the street while jogging, get caught up on lots of work for my job, and update the etsy shop....


I absolutely love the feeling of Friday afternoons. Knowing that two full days off await me makes me one happy lady. This was not the exact case this past weekend, as I did have to work Saturday. Nonetheless, Friday was still an evening to look forward to! Every so often, a few of our friends get together for happy hour and appetizers at a restaurant just around the corner from us, and it is always a wonderful and relaxing event. My drink of choice? Pinot Noir, of very favorite wine!

Please forgive my backwards outfit posting here.....last night's post of Sunday's outfit and tonight's post of Friday's outfit are obviously a chronological mess, but I forgot to post Saturday as I had intended! Oops! :)



Today was non-eventful and completely wonderful! After a long six days of work, my day off consisted of an early morning soccer game (we were victorious!), warming up with some french press coffee in my favorite mug (post game of course), cleaning and organizing all day, and grocery shopping and errands. It ended up being the perfect day for cleaning....soon after the game, it started to pour down rain and never stopped.

I took a quick outfit shot after the grocery (please overlook the wrinkled was at the end of the day). The only thing I don't like about rainy days is the fact that I can't get any shots with interesting or creative scenery. I am limited to the hallway in our apartment building, or our teeny tiny balcony. I do have a few (much more fun) outfit shots from the weekend that I will be posting this week.

Sweater: Vintage (Beacon's Closet)
White Tank: Target
Menswear Inspired Slacks: H&M
Belt: Vintage (a now defunct vintage store)

Vintage Saddlebag: Thrifted

1) In a mere two weeks, my husband (Robin) and I will celebrate the one year anniversary of our marriage!! :)
2) I bought a dark chocolate bar at the grocery to share with Robin. I just ate the entire thing, and am hoping that he will forget that we bought it.
3) I have been a vegetarian for over four years, following one year of veganism.
4) My all time favorite video game is California Games on the original Nintendo....does anyone remember this!? The roller skating was always the toughest!
5) I am very tall.....5'10. My whole family (both paternal and maternal sides are incredibly tall)
6) Black is my favorite color....always and forever.
7) I really, really want a dog.
8) I really like folding laundry....weird, I know.

I have decided to include some amusing pictures for the last two tidbits:

9) I am a beginning surfer. I have glorious moments.......


And I have not so glorious (and somewhat painful) moments.....

(Pics taken on our surfing honeymoon in CA. This particular day, we were in San Onofre.)

10) True and hilarious (well, I thought it was) story: Wednesday night I was out for a run during rush hour. We live smack dab in the middle of the city, thus traffic was very heavy. I was really into my music, and thinking about how good I felt (it has been tough getting back into shape post tonsil and adenoidectomy!). I was crossing the street at a red light (in front of a line of traffic), when all of the sudden, boom. Yes, I face-planted in the middle of the street! Here is the ridiculous knees are still healing:


I am terribly clumsy...I didn't even feel the pain I was so embarrassed! :)
I am SO excited today...fueled by mass quantities of coffee and a meager amount of sleep, I have completed my etsy overhaul! In Leproust's etsy, you will now find an updated look, and TONS of new garments! Gone is my terrible lighting and poor background! :) Here are a few of my favorites:







To celebrate the overhaul, I am having a giveaway! Giveaway Details:

-The winner will be chose at random (by, and can choose one item (anything you want) from my etsy store!

-The winner will be drawn one week from today (on October 7, 2009) and will be notified via email.
Sunday afternoon already?! This weekend has been a refreshing mix of relaxing, spending time outside (our first soccer game of the season), and having time to spiffy up the Leproust etsy shop. I have hundreds of garments that I have been wanting to replenish the shop with, however we found a great price on some amateur studio lighting, and I was anxiously awaiting its arrival! After work on Friday, Robin and I headed to Home Depot to acquire the materials for a DIY backdrop for the shop, and had a lovely dinner at the Yellow Porch (all locally grown food!). Saturday brought more rain, thus the perfect setup for a Saturday of photographing garments for the etsy shop (with a break for a football game or two of course)! Robin took on the role of photographer (as always), and I must say, he may be the most patient man in the world! I think we ended up shooting for a total of 9 hours on Saturday! Yikes! (cue Home Alone face).......


I think it was closing in on 11 pm in the above shot, and I thought the clothes may never stop coming. We actually had to transform our dining room (mind you, we live in a 750 sq ft apartment) into a place to shoot, complete with a 9 ft backdrop. Robin made the comment that it looked like we had just moved in. It was quite hard to negotiate around everything, thus all the photographing needed to be completed in one day so we could move everything back! It was such a blast though, and I am so happy with the results!

I am not one to purposely sit in direct sunlight, and I have an extreme obsession with sunscreen (which is likely obvious from my pasty skin!). However, I am really missing the sun right now. It has rained for the last 9 days, with 4 more days of rain in the forecast! There are some definite bonuses though: I sleep extremely well when it is raining (though I would prefer not to get out of bed to go to work if it is in fact raining), and I was able to use a pretty little vintage Umbrella I picked up a few weeks ago at an estate sale!




Vintage Umbrella: Estate Sale
Blue Shirt: Urban Outfitters (many years ago!)
Vintage Pantsuit: Thrifted
Vintage Bangle: Estate Sale
Black Oxfords: H&M

We went out for a little walk the other night, and the rain turned to a drizzle just as the sun was setting. It was quite beautiful!






Headband: Jcrew
Scarf: Vintage (estate sale)
Dress: Anthropologie
Tights: H&M
Boots: Vintage (esty)
Ring: A gift from many, many years ago

This may very well be one of my favorite dresses to wear. I love the detailing the buttons provide, yet the dress is still simplistic enough that it can be fancied up a bit with many accessories, in many different ways.

We have had nearly a week straight of rain, thus my weekend was spent working, cleaning out my closet, reinventing some older pieces (like this dress!), and movie watching. I have been trying to think more abstractly when getting dressed, and really mix up my staple pieces, accessories, older garments, etc. I seem to have a few go-to pieces that I find myself trying to wear on a daily basis, all the while subconsciously ignoring perfectly good dresses, skirts, and shirts that I haven't worn for ages.


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