Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Be warm!

My new hair, freshly fringed. The verdict is in and I like it. I though I didn't but I was being stupid. I like it up more than down which is good since I sort of live with my hair pulled up. What I like best about this hair is that it's total wash and wear hair. I just dry it or let it dry and this is what I get - which is okay by me!

And more of my head here in a little hat preview...

 Finally! We have the snow, snow snow snow. I don't mind if we get some more even. Save for my trip to the post office I've got nowhere to go. So here are some scenes of dear golden on a snow day, which contrary to a fun snow day where you get our of school, my snow day means I  can hole up in my house and work work work - mostly today will be cleaning and mending and I think I'll make a daytime fire even, because I can.

And also...a shop update! 


Tuesday I was out shopping for the shop at some of my favorite spots and at my last stop of the day I found this 1920s black silk chiffon beaded dress - in PERFECT condition, no rips, no tears, no missing beads. Amazing. I bought straight away and thought I'd put it in the shop, but I made the mistake of putting it on and it's even BETTER it's mine (at least for now). And the cute little cotton sailor blouse that I found Tuesday is now soaking in a bath of Oxyclean and I cannot wait to see it's brilliance later tonight!


I hate when this happens. I got my bangs cut today and well, this is me before I got my haircut - I think it might have been better not to look at photos of my hair pre-bang cut. Until moments ago I loved the bangs, like a lot. It didn't really occur to me that I could just stop liking them. Thankfully there isn't anything wrong with them so I don't think I'll be unhappy about them much longer, but still, I was in my honeymoon stage with them until I reviewed some photos of my hair from just recently. This all being said I realize that I was not going to be able to stop myself from cutting them, it was only a matter of time. It was either cut the bangs or cut all the hair. So, this post as banal as it all sounds is all about my silly hair. My silly bangs, which will have their photo on here in a matter of days I am sure, but here lies my old, ladylike hair, may it rest in peace...until I decide to ride the bobbypin lightening for another collection of months and grow them out again. Women!

The laziness has past and the shop is in full swing, I've added a lot the past 24 hours and well, there's always more to list, but today I am going for a haircut and manicure and a little shopping (for the shop of course!).

I've been quite lazy. Laziness is sort of insidious isn't it? I mean, it took me forever to settle down, stop working and take a break and well, now that I have it's really set in and I find the notion of working as hard as I was before Christmas pretty unattractive. This lazy has really grown on me. I've milked it, nurtured it and lauded it. And now I am must bid it adieu because I have a house full of vintage to put in the shop. I am excited for all that I have to add to the shop this month though, which I am relying on to get me going once Monday morning comes. Until then I'm hanging on to this final day of my foray into laziness. Hopefully I can shed it easily, but it's going to take a lot of coffee..


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