Thursday, February 12, 2009

-The Bolivarian dictator who cried "coup" is at it again. Venezuelans go to the polls on Sunday in Chavez's second try at a constitutional amendment removing term limits.

-The Project for Excellence in Journalism profiles "The New Washington Press Corps". It finds that while the "traditional" media's footprint in the US capital has shrunk dramatically, niche media (small and targeted) and foreign correspondents have increased their presence. The Washington bureau of Mother Jones is now roughly the same size as Time's, while Al Jazeera now rivals CBS.

-Dubai is fastly becoming one of the biggest casualties of the credit crunch. The real estate market has collapsed and foreign workers (approx. 90% of the emirate's labor force) are being laid off en masse. The NYT looks at one aspect of the deteriorating economic situation: foreign professionals fleeing the debt and luxury vehicles they accumulated during the boom.

-Eduardo came on for Croatia last night in a friendly v. Romania, and Arsenal hearts were, if only for a moment, lifted.


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