Friday, February 27, 2009

-Obama unveiled his massive 2010 budget proposal, much of which breaks with the conservative consensus that governed US policy for much of the past 30 years. $634bn in health care spending will be, in theory, offset by tax increases on American's earning over $250,000 a year. The US president also vowed to cut the deficit in half by 2012. More than a few people questioned the likelihood, and math, of this plan.

-Obama fulfilled a core campaign pledge by announcing a withdrawal date for US combat troops in Iraq (August 2010). He aims to have all troops out by 2011. Oddly, congressional Republicans embraced the president's announcement. Didn't their candidate for the oval office just run on not "cutting and running"? I guess after seeing their poll numbers plummet in the wake of their stimulus obstructionism, they latched on to a sure political winner.

-In Pakistan, Taleban leaders in Bajaur province declared a unilateral ceasefire, a week after a negotiated truce was reached in the Swat valley. In Islamabad, Nawaz Sharif and his brother Shahbaz, the chief minister of Punjab province, were banned from holding political office by the Supreme Court, causing the Punjab government to collapse and igniting protests. Political instability + balance of payments crisis + losing control of large portions of your territory = failed state.

-In her first foreign trip abroad, US secretary of state Hillary Clinton promoted pragmatism in US-China relations, overlooking human rights in favor of economic and financial cooperation...and US treasuries. Days later, a US State Department report laid the smack-down on China over the very issue Clinton skirted face-to-face. China was not pleased.

-Cracks in the Russian power structure?

-The central banks of Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania issued coordinated statements defending their currencies, while a consortium of international institutions announced a loan package for the troubled region.

-The US government increased its stake in Citigroup to as much as 36%, days after Bernanke and Obama sought to calm fears over nationalization. Bernanke said the debate essentially "misses the point." The US Treasury also provided details on its upcoming stress tests.

-ASEAN signed trade agreements with Australia and New Zealand.

-The defense of the rouble appears to have been a success. For now.

The Rest
-In the Champion's League, ManU held Inter to a draw in the San Siro, Arsenal beat Roma on a Van Persie penalty, and Liverpool beat Real Madrid in typical Kop Champion's League fashion. In the UEFA Cup, two of the favorites, AC Milan and Aston Villa, crashed out.

-This. Is. Crazy.

-The Times of London looks at "Japan: the nation that loves robots."

-Slumdog Millionaire was the big winner at the 81st Academy Awards.


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