Tuesday, February 9, 2010

- Facts and Myths about Greek's sovereign debt woes: this is one of the better pieces I've seen so far.

- Michael Arghyrou and John Tsoukalas argue for the creation of a "strong" and weak" euro, both managed by the European Central Bank, as a solution to the looming sovereign debt crisis in southern Europe. (possibly gated link, sorry)

- Spillover effects: as investors are betting against the Euro and possibly forcing EU governments to make some tough decisions (see below), they are simultaneously fleeing towards the safety of the US dollar. So long as the US can continue to borrow cheaply, they are less likely to be forced to make some tough decisions about their own problems.

- What if Google was a state-owned company in the Ukraine?

- Indulge yourself and set aside 12 minutes to watch this stunning video. On as big a screen as you can find. It's almost entirely computer generated (except the person, clouds and pigeons), and makes Avatar look like an etch-a-sketch drawing.


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