Lee Junghyun
Bonjour Mes Amis!
I have been poking around some old images I have on the desktop and just wanted to share a little bit more "Modern Marie" inspired images with you.
This is a gorgeous Marie worthy room from Loft Life Magazine. I can't get past that enormous dripping chandelier (my ultimate weakness)!
Dior dresses on the steps of Versailles. Could you just imagine Marie and her companions the Duchesse de Polignac and the Princesse de Lamballe lazing away the days in these couture confections!?! Oh my!
This image from La La Lovely is just too pretty for words. The soft Pink bound books, the simple stark colors, the clean glass bottles, it's perfect.
Source Unknown
This image via Simply Seductive blog is breathtaking! I could waste the day away on this
canapé while tasting a macaron or two. Could you think of a prettier place to rest your gorgiously coiffed head?
canapé while tasting a macaron or two. Could you think of a prettier place to rest your gorgiously coiffed head?

Have a great weekend my friends. Please visit again as I have a special post demain about a special friend who has made my blog somptueux!!!