I'm pretty sure this post needs no introduction. What did Marilyn Monroe (June 1, 1926 - August 5, 1962) wish for in 1956?

"I've been reaching for an inner tranquility all the past year. I think I have it now and I want to keep it." - I'm sorry to report that I don't think she was at peace, the poor dear.

"After I make Bus Stop, I'd like to play dramatic roles. I feel I'm ready for drama" - I think Marilyn was a much better actress than people give her credit for.

"I hope Jane Russell accomplishes what she wants with WAIF. I have a special feeling for orphans, since I was one myself". - She definitely did. One a side note, Jane Russell and her husband Robert Waterfield founded World Adoption International Fund (WAIF) in 1951 when she had been looking to adopt children (they adopted 3). WAIF assists in international adoption, with the fabulous Jane Russell as a staunch advocate. For more info on Jane's work with WAIF,