Saturday, November 22, 2008

While IPE Journal got a makeover...

-The US National Intelligence Council's 2025 project releases Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World. The report announces the end of the "unipolar moment", and predicts declining American influence and power. While the US will remain the preeminent power, the rise of the BRICs will reintroduce a multipolar world. Other defining trends: increasing competition for scarce resources, greater West-East transfer of wealth, and broader Middle East destabilization.

-World trade is grappling with a tricky little pirate problem, as Saudi joins a NATO anti-piracy fleet and calls for a global response to this "terrorism".

-The IAEA confirms speculation that the Syrian structure bombed by Israel in 2007 contained nuclear material. Syria swiftly calls for end to probe.

-Obama announces plans to create 2.5 million jobs through massive fiscal stimulus, government projects. His cabinet takes shape: Geithner for Treasury, Clinton at State (the Guardian broke her acceptance plans, beating US media to story), and reported negotiations for Gates to remain at Defense.

-Citi executives huddle in New York with government officials to discuss the bank's survival. The Dow Jones Industrial average closed below 8,000 this week, the first time since March 2003.

-Japan falls into recession, ending longest postwar expansion.

-Pakistan formally requests $7.6bn IMF standby loan, agrees to economic reforms including fiscal deficit reduction.

The Rest
-Scientists now believe that massive glaciers may lie beneath the rocky Martian surface, and humanity is step closer to confirming life beyond Earth.

-Arsenal drop Gallas, ManU lose Berbatov for big Villa clash, and Liverpool/Chelsea stay top of Prem

-Vanity Fair releases its International Best Dressed List. This year's list includes Michelle Obama, Kate Middleton, and Kanye West. West drops a full preview of new album, 808s and Heartbreak.


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