Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Technology had a significant impact on the 2008 US presidential election. The Obama camp leveraged the technological innovation of Howard Dean's 2004 primary campaign to expand voter and donor outreach to an historic scale.

Despite the enormous impact of this application, a single piece of technology revolutionized the way American's receive, analyze, and interpret political information more than any other. The internet, you say? wrong. Surely the Blackberry, then? nope.

CNN's magic wall.

Ah, the beauty of exploring Ohio congressional districts. The fun of touch-screen graphics. The elegance of John King, the maestro, spanning time and space to deliver trivial and imprecise insights into voter trends. To many, the magic wall was the enduring image of this campaign, without which, democracy would surely have crumbled.

But is the magic wall really so benign? Is John King the Bernstein of touch-screen technology, or something far more sinister? The Daily Show's John Oliver finds out:


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