Friday, November 21, 2008

Since its Friday, some light fare to take your mind off the fall of Rome:

-Arsene Wenger, obviously having read IPE Journal last night, has reportedly stripped William Gallas of his captaincy. Furthermore, Gallas will not travel with the club to Manchester City this weekend. There is intense speculation over who will take up the arm band, with Gael Clichy, Kolo Toure and Manuel Almunia the frontrunners. Some believe that when Cesc Fabregas returns from suspension next week, he could assume the captaincy for the remainder of the season.

This is an extremely positive (and necessary) move by Wenger, and will hopefully provide the jolt Arsenal needs to make a strong second-half/European run. My vote goes to Fab, the club's talisman and future.

-I saw Quantum of Solace last night (I know, a little late to the party), and am happy to say that Bond is still bad ass. While definitely more Bourne than Casino Royale, the frantic action scenes were incredible and only added to a fairly compelling story line. The emotional depth to this Bond made the movie.

The current Bond series, much like Batman, is an interesting reflection of our times. The 1990's (ahhh the 90s) gave us Pierce Brosnan, a solid Bond character, but kind of fluffy and flashy. Sean Connery had the charm and slick image, but there was a gritty ruthlessness to Connery's Bond that lay just under the cool exterior. Brosnan lacked this. Some Bond purists believe that Craig's version is too rough. I disagree, and believe that Craig is more in the tradition of Connery than Brosnan ever was. Importantly, the new Bond films substitute flash for substance. It forces you to question the actions and intentions of 007. He may be working towards an ultimate good, but has he corrupted himself along the way?

We in the West live in a darker, more confusing time. In our heroes we find both hope and despair. Bond is a perfect reflection of this shift.


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