Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The list of quality economic blogs that are consistently worth reading is a suprisingly short one. Sadly, that list just got shorter: Willem Buiter is bringing Maverecon to a close when he takes up his new job as chief economist at Citigroup in January.

Buiter will be working for a firm that he labelled, in April 2009, "a conglomeration of worst-practice from across the financial spectrum.” Felix Salmon suggests that Citigroup has hired the outspoken economist figuring that "it would be better to have him inside the tent pissing out." Well said.

Buiter has worn many hats: a professor at LSE, a former chief economist at the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, a former external member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee and most recently, a consultant to international organizations and companies like Goldman Sachs. As a blogger, however, he was a constant source of sharp, biting commentary on all things political economy (as well as the occasional lesson in Dutch history). His posts were long, wordy, technical, blunt, and dripping with arrogance. But those who were willing to stick with them gained access to an uncommon level of insight. Above all, he could make for a hell of a quote - and quote him we did, many times, on these pages.

Buiter explains that he will continue to speak out on economic matters and may even start a new blog, "[b]ut it won't be Maverecon because it can't be Maverecon." That's a big loss for the rest of us.


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