Friday, December 25, 2009
Lady Anne Darcy's wedding dress is turning into a long work in progress. It's wearable, but I'm still adding trim to it.
I'm adding the trim in stages, and at each stage, I'm ending up wearing the dress. It's quite fun, and feels quite historical (you never wear the same dress twice if you are constantly altering it!).
Last Sunday I wore it to the talk at Expressions with the minimal trim: little tiny puffs up and down the skirt fronts, and around the neckline:
I love the dress in side profile. It makes me look a little squat from straight forward or backwards. I'm really loving the look of the stomacher-less style that I decided to go with.

Coming on Saturday: images of me in the next incarnation of the dress, with big puffs going up the skirt.
Later there will be a metal lace stomacher that pins over the front of the dress (much later!), and sometime in the near-ish future their will be a matching jupe, rather than my faux-quilted jupe.