Behind the many layers of Anubis, lies a truth which cannot be denied. Through his nature we are lead to the magnificent guardians of the Coffin, guardian of the four corners of the Earth. Duamutef which is a fascinating creature of the four guardians is another Jackal but a separate character from Anubis. Duamutef/Tuamute is actually believed to the one of the founders of the Zodiac.
To understand this level of ancient Egyptian knowledge, you must open your mind to symbolism and history written by poets and artist who paint it in wonderful colors. It is a history written in a mysterious way, and only few come close to understanding the complete picture.
When we speak about Duamutef/Tuamutef, we are actually speaking about one of the four sons of Horus; these are the four guardians ‘jars’ which are also referred to as the canopic jars, where the deceased organs were placed in. And when we are speaking of these four blessed ones, we are actually also speaking about the seven divine beings. The four sons of Horus are actually a part of the seven divine beings, where the three are hardly spoken about. As you can see, there is a complex system behind the gods and goddess, but remember these are the heavenly gods, those above the earthly gods. There is no temple dedicated to these gods, yet they are older and more complex than the gods and goddess that are mostly mentioned.
Some believe that the Jackal is actually not a divinity in the manner that we understand it, but is rather a ‘type’ to be even more precise the ‘Judgment type’ below as well as above. This is further proven by the ancient texts, in the different manners we find the jackal character in. In one passage in the book of the dead, the seven divine beings (the sons of Horus) are seen standing behind the Anubis chest. And the text clearly distinguish that one is the Anubis chest, and Duamutef/Tuamutef is standing besides his six divine brothers.
Imsety – South Duamutef – East
Hapy – North Qebesenuef - West
As the four sons (and even souls) of Horus, they were the friends of the deceased, helping in rituals as well as guiders in the ‘passing’.
I would never be so disrespectful.
Every God and goddess of the ancient days, has two sides to their nature. On one hand they were protective, but on the other hand they were also destructive. The Lion-headed goddess Sekhmet was as destructive as the Sun itself, and through his fire she would almost destroy mankind.
She was also known as the Great Lady beloved of Ptah holy one powerful one, Eye of Ra. Sekhmet’s name means ‘powerful’ or ‘the female powerful one’
She was razor sharp like the Sun’s rays, in her most destructive nature she would breathe fire unto mankind.
The hot desert winds were said to be the breath of Sekhmet.
The Destruction of mankind.
She was a vital character in one of the ‘Eye’ myths, known as the destruction of mankind. When Ra became an old man, humans started to plot against him. Ra then sent Sekhmet forth to teach humans a lesson, but Sekhmet became so intoxicated by human blood, that she was unable to stop her rage. It was actually Hathor that was sent out in the form of Sekhmet, to teach mankind a lesson. Ra could not bear to see his child in such a blood rush and he took pity on mankind. But Ra had granted her so much divine power, that not even he could stop her. Ra would have to trick Sekhmet.
He sent a messenger that was as quick as the wind itself, to Elephantine Island in Aswan. The messenger was instructed to bring Ra a very large quantity of the fruit called Mandrake, because its juice was as red as blood. And in large quantities the fruit caused great sleepiness. Over one night this fruit was turned into thick wine that would trick the eye of anyone. Ra had mankind help in spreading the wine every where they could, the task was done shortly before dawn. Sekhmet had been sleeping all night, her ruthless hunts each day made her sleep deeply at night. When she awoke, she was again hungry for a fight and for the taste of the mortal’s blood. As she walked into a field she saw the land bathing in what she thought was blood. She happily thought it was her doing, and she smiled. She bent down to drink of it, and the more she drank the more she wanted. What Sekhmet did not know, was that she was actually drinking the Mandrake fruit that had been mixed with barely (beer). She finally fell into a deep sleep, and her father called a whisper into the air “Come, come in peace, O fair and gracious goddess.” And so did the killing spree end. Ra ruled on, but created a celebration of this event in the city of Amen.
Sekhmet is a very old goddess, she is mentioned in the Pyramid Texts as being the one that conceived the king. She could protect against plagues, as she could cause them, she was also a healing deity. She was the consort of Ptah and the mother of Nefertem.
Or Anpu;
The more you get into the Gods and goddess of ancient Egypt, the more you will realize how complex it really was, and one must acknowledge how complex their religious beliefs were.
The famous Anubis, is much more than our minds today can comprehend. You will find him on temple walls, and in the most ancient text of Egypt namely the pyramid texts (2600 B.C.) He is much older than Osiris, and his ancient (city) Nome is Abydos (read about the temple of time - The temple of a million years)
What precisely Anubis means, has been lost, because of its ancient times. He was the son of many different gods and goddess, as time would come to change, so would the people’s views about who was connected to who.
His connection to Osiris and how fare back this god is can be seen in the ‘judgment scene’ from the book of the dead. He might even have more power than Osiris in this scene, in that Anubis/Duamutef is able to be active and is the ‘weigher’ of hearts, where as Osiris is always seen in a mummified state – immovable.
"Foremost of the Westerners"
"The lord of the scared land"
"He who is upon his scared mountain"
“Ruler of the bows”
“He who is in the place of embalming”
“Foremost of the divine booth”.
He is also thought to be a star (or at least one of his character-like beings is)
Some believed Anubis meant, time.
The Greeks and Roman also chose to portray Anubis.
Input; Is also said to be the female counterpart of Anubis – (She had her own cult in one of the Upper Egyptian nome’s).
Wepwawet (or Ap-uat); (An unusual name if you ask me).
Probably the oldest known Jackal god in ancient Egypt. His name Wapwawet means “Opener of the ways”. (To me this character reminds me a lot of Tuamutef/Duamutef).
Duamutef or Tuamutef; Is one of the heavenly sons of Horus, the heavenly sons of Horus are four together, and with their tree hidden brothers, they make up the Seven divine beings. They are said to live among the stars, as guardians of Osiris.

It’s a book about the Seven divine beings, which stands behind the Great bear, as they guard the path of Osiris.
The great Pyramid at Giza is more known for its magnificent size and the architectural design and measurements. Even today it stands much greater than any other ancient monument of ancient Egypt, its perfection is still incredible clear. But there are many mysterious sides to the Pyramids, which are hardly mentioned, and here is one.
An interesting fact;
Is about what was found inside the actual great pyramid at Giza.
In 1872 a man named Waynman Dixon were exploring the great pyramid’s queen’s chamber, when he came to discover two shafts, one in the north wall and one in the south wall. The shafts were actually hidden (but only in this chamber), and so he removed the rocks until he came to the shaft ‘canal’.
Dixon found;
• A small piece of a wood staff/rod thing
• A small bronze hook
• A Granite sphere/ball
These items can be found at the British museum -
Also known as the Dixon Relics.
The rod/staff piece which he found, seems to be lost or something? ? Some believe that there could have been preformed Carbon 14 analyses of the wood piece, so they would have a date of the objects (or rather one of the object).
In 1993 the German Engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink investigated the shafts of the Queen’s chamber, with a small video camera which was attached upon a mini robot. One of the pictures showed what you see upon the picture below. Two rod/staff like objects, one was Dixons rod, and the other one looked a lot like the piece of what Dixon had found back in 1872.
The Dixon Relics
It will be interesting to see when these objects are taken out of the shaft, even more interesting would be when the rod/staff like object dates too.
I haven’t heard anything about, what these objects could have been used for. I believe there is some suspicion about the hook and the shafts doors which are still blocked.
Personal note:
When I saw that program on national geographic, where they took the small camera robot as fare as they could and hit a door, I had an interesting thought.
When they made a little hole to see what lay beyond the shaft door, they were met by rock material. I clearly remembered that I thought it was a round thing of some sort, I could see some curves which are mostly found in round surfaces, and for me the material looked a lot like the material of the granite ball that Dixon found.