Tuesday, May 11, 2010

- "The industrial world will be in fiscal consolidation mode by this time next year.... There is no hiding place for anybody." Ah Willem, how we missed you! Videos of his talk last week at CFR available here.

- How are the world's markets doing, you ask? Why, check out the map in the top right-hand corner of our new favourite blog!

- The British Election, Summarized (Part II): "Nnnyaaaaaghwooohaaooooororarararararghhhhhhh. That's the message the electorate gave on Thursday. A long, angry, discordant noise that eventually became silly. Hence the result." That's Armando Iannucci, the director of the brilliant political satire film In The Loop.

- Dept. of I Knew That Already: "There is a correlation between how much money people make and how happy they are. But, what really seems to explain people's life satisfaction is not the particular amount of money they make, but how their income compares to what their peer group makes." Lesson: spend more time around unsuccessful people.


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