Monday, May 31, 2010


Still need something to do this summer? How about revisiting some of your much cherished childhood (or yesterday's) dreamscapes of a fantastical lunar city and then propping it (or not) with a bit of scientific credibility for SHIFTboston's Moon Capital competition.

When considering the moon destination, competitors are welcome to explore any concept, however, we recommend the submission address one of the following criteria:

PROTECTION The moon has no atmosphere. Envision shielding to protect the habitat from radiation, space debris, and temperature extremes.

MICRO-GRAVITY How would life and industry be in 1/6g?

FOOD A self-sustaining community that incorporates agriculture and food production.

ENERGY How would we harness or generate enough energy to run an entire community?

WATER production, purification and recycling.

How about a moon CULTURE?

How about a moon TRANSPORTATION?

This might be just the perfect opportunity for you to team up with those civil engineering students on the other side of campus to help you better understand constructing on indigenous soil material. If you're thinking of designing a lunar food system, surely you would want to exploit the expertise of a lunar farmer. Are you wondering if the entire moon could be turned into a gigantic battery? No doubt our readers already know who to consult first.

In any case, it's probably no different from designing for extreme environments here on earth, or a second Phoenix in a much harsher desert. Perhaps it's better to conceptualize your city as a company mining town, after all an independent moon would be more likely be supported by an exo-natural resource-based economy than tourism or scientific research, right?

Submission deadline is September 3, 2010.


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