Tuesday, July 21, 2009

As we approach this blog's 1-year anniversary, it's time to take a few steps back from our little project to take stock. Like any relationship, this one has had its ups and downs. Long time readers will have noticed that posting has slowed down in the last couple of months, partly due to the summer weather and the various distractions that come with it. That is temporary, as I've become too attached to this thing to stop writing, regardless of whether anyone is reading or not. But now is your chance to provide feedback and guide us towards material that you think would be interesting to see tackled.

So have at it, folks: what would you like to see discussed on this blog?

To get your thinking-juices flowing, here are some suggestions:

  • US debt and the future of the dollar
  • The impact of the financial crisis on sport
  • More posts on the political economy of alcohol (a personal favourite)
  • The future of the Bretton Woods system
  • Posts about a particular country/region
  • The British MP expenses scandal (just kidding!)

You may also be asking yourself: what happened to including nifty pictures in your posts? or why did you pick such a boring name for your blog? or where's Rory? These are all reasonable questions. Some even have reasonable answers. I'm open to all questions.

So this is your opportunity to influence the content of the blog - don't miss out! Feel free to use the comments or contact us using the blog email address (to your right -->).


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