Wednesday, July 29, 2009

No, not my own. The Newshour with Jim Lehrer, the nightly news program on America's public broadcasting station (PBS), has held an hour-long discussion with the Fed chairman entitled, 'Bernanke on the Record.' I highly recommend it (hopefully the link is available outside of the US, we have had the problem before of posting US-based content subject to distribution restrictions. Apologies in advance- scour YouTube).

The more Bernanke speaks in an open, frank forum (Americans might remember his much-lauded interview on '60 Minutes'), unencumbered by Fed-speak and congressional grandstanding, the more I am convinced that there is no better American to be steering the country's monetary policy/systemic reform/inflationary death spiral(?!?) than Bernanke. He's not only gotten the policies right (well mostly, minus one very very big exception), but has the unique ability to articulate the complexity of the crisis in a manner that enables lay audiencies to make sense of the madness around them. Imagine if a less imaginative or aggressive chief had been at the helm over the past two years. Where would we be?


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