Friday, June 5, 2009


Because sometimes we think bloggers, particularly those on the built environment, are a monstrous sub-breed of humanity: preening, humorless, fringe feeding, attention whoring polemicist and apologists who take too many things too seriously too many times.

But these ones aren't.

arch-peace news and articles: blog of Architects for Peace.

By Design: by Allison Arieff.

High Line Blog: if you're one of the most famous post-2000 designed landscapes, you gotta have a blog.

Hungry City, the blog: by Carolyn Steel, author of Hungry City, the book.

People and Place: a tumbleblog by @a_me1, we think.

rory hyde dot com blog: via @roryhyde.

Society of Fellows of the American Academy in Rome Weblog: so far just a smattering of posts that interest us, but the few that do, such as those on Alan Berger and the academy's Rome Sustainable Food Project, make subscribing to its feed worthwhile. And then there are the photos of boozy jamborees of the Veuve clique and the culturati and arrivistes greasing Last-Tango-in-Paris-like around the canapé trays.

Sustainable Stormwater Management: they must be after our hearts.

Veg.itecture: an off-shoot of Landscape+Urbanism.

Water in the Sustainable Environment: blog of Natural Systems International, specialists in alternative wastewater/stormwater management, and part of the design team of the Sidwell Friends Middle School project.

For our public blogroll, see our list of RSS feeds [good links] on Bloglines. Which of these you are going to subscribe to (or whether or not you are going to follow even one of them) will be up to you.


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