Thursday, March 4, 2010

The other day a friend of mine asked me if I had any advice for visiting Greece at this time of year. I replied, half-jokingly, that after visiting Thessaloniki he might head down to Athens and wait around for about a month until the country went bankrupt - he could then buy up his very own Greek island in the Med for cheap.

(See what I did there? I cleverly inserted into my travel advice a reference to the current politico-economic climate in Europe, thereby indicating my awareness of current events and razor sharp wit).

But like I said, I was half-joking. Turns out you can actually snap up your very own island in the Aegean for, like, a pittance!* Moreover, if the Greeks are forced to sell some of their sovereign soil to raise money to pay back the IMF or ze Germans, there could be some real bargains out there.

Your own island.... Mull that one over and try to tell me that it wouldn't impress your gender of preference.

*starting at $1-2million, or higher if it comes with a place to dock your yacht. Or mermaids.


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