Monday, March 29, 2010

In an attempt to exercise some spring cleaning on the blog (and thereby procrastinate any actual cleaning of my apartment), I have decided to reduce and simplify the labels used for our posts. Previously, Rory and I had been applying whatever labels struck our fancy at the time - the end result is several hundred of the blasted things that make it harder, not easier, to search among related topics.

With that in mind, I have decided to limit the categories to no more than twenty. This might hopefully one day evolve into one of those neat-o "Topic Bubbles" that gives new readers a sense of what we discuss most frequently on these hallowed pages. More immediately, it will allow me to keep my scattered musings contained within a specific list of topics. To wit:

Economia - a catch-all for economics, economic theory, and current economic affairs
Politique - political affairs, current events, legislative shenanigans, elections, and the rest of the circus
The Invisible Hand - business, trade and markets
The Fourth Estate - the formal and informal media, the peanut gallery
Paradise Lost - the fall of man/woman and their ensuing foibles. Expect frequent appearances from Berlusconi, Chavez, Putin, and the rest of the gang.
Architecture - financial regulation and the failures thereof, both national and international
Emerging Markets - focus on emerging markets
The Bottom Billion - non-emerging markets
Shadows on the Wall - philosophy: the meaning of life, the universe and everything
The Academy - Academics, research, intellectual pursuits
Lords of Finance - Wall St, The City, Masters of the Universe, vampire squids, etc...
Blistering Bombast - rants, raves, orations, bloviations & bile-sputtering tirades on any and all topics
Sport - sport
Les Arts - the arts
The Rest - miscellaneous, plus blog-related
Readables - links to things of interest


For many readers, the use of such snobby, elitist labels merely reinforces their suspicions that this is a snobby, elitist blog. I cannot argue with that. But I do welcome suggestions for any topics I may have overlooked.


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