Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rory Doyle writes in a personal capacity. The views expressed are his own and do not necessarily represent the views of AIM or its investors.

A couple of weeks ago I accepted a position in the hedge fund industry, which limits my ability to write publicly on the topics and issues we cover here at IPE Journal. Moving forward I will be largely absent from these pages, continuing as sort of a co-editor-at-large, very much a compliment to Dave's incredible output and insight.

I won't wax poetic or bore you with some farewell treatise on the state of the international economy, but I will say that it has been a truly rewarding experience to share this platform with someone I consider the smartest guy in the room. We've been lucky to have a forum to share our views over an historic period of time, and I leave grateful to all of you readers, from Singapore to Seattle, for giving us your attention.

The scope of my contributions will be decidedly narrow and sporadic, and accompanied by the little disclaimer you see above. But this is the start of a long goodbye; one that will hopefully stretch well into the future.


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