Friday, November 20, 2009


"Yesterday when i was lonely sitting writing some notes,
i felt a breeze passing through the net of my hairs,
i felt as if it whishpered something in my ears,
which i cudnt recall although i tried alot....
i closed my eyz for a min,
i saw a picture of a face in my eyes,
in search for that i opened my eyes,
but i was unable to see anyone arround

in the garden while moving through soft grasses,
i felt as if someone i smoving my side,
touching my shoulders,holding my hands,
but when i wanted to find:who was it
i wa sunable to find him.

yesterday when i was lonely sitting.
a breeze moved trough my ears
shaking my ear rings....
which madea sweet soft note of love,
i felt as if u have shaken my ear rings,
as it was moving with so much pleasure,
kissing my cheeks,

then when i stopped writing...
i understood itz my dream,
thats want to hold ur picture
itz my imagination,
thats want to imagine u and only u
itz my feelings,
thats want to feel ur touch.......

Say....this is for u ....

Why Are You So Special To Me...

Because you sense the feelings
behind the words.

Because you always see something
positive in me.

Because you are never fake but are always
honest with me.

Because you are a rare combination
of strength and sensitiveity.

Because you are not afraid to step out
into the unknown.

And most of all because I have the privilege
of calling you friend.


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