Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Search engines are very important for every netizen to search for required information. Generally we use Google OR Yahoo OR Live to search. How about replacing OR with AND by using multiple search engines at the same time?

You get more results spread across different search engines in less time. Here goes five such web services to search multiple search engines.-

1. Joongel ( http://www.joongel.com/ ) - Search a keyword and get results from 10 leading websites in non-intrusive manner. Result page open in a new window with cut bar at the top, which you can use to get results from other search engine. Quick and fast..

2. SearchBoth ( http://www.searchboth.com/) - It allows you to search 2 specific search engines at the same time. For example search Google & Yahoo or Monster & Hotjobs at the same time.

3. Search.io ( http://search.io/) - It allows you to search multiple search engine with the comfort of ever so familiar tabs. Each tab represent a different search engine, click on get results.

4. Zuula (http://www.zuula.com/ ) - It allows you to search over 10 search engine from the same window. By default results from Google are shown. You can chose the search engine from the top bar and get results from other search engine. Works pretty good!

5. PolyCola ( http://www.polycola.com/) - Formerly known as GoogleYahoo, PolyCola now allows search results from number of search engines besides Yahoo and Google. Just like search both, results are shown in two panes on the same window.


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