Saturday, October 31, 2009
Italian police discovered a gun disguised as a cell-phone when they arrested a Mafia gangster in Sicily last month. It's just one of many hidden deadly weapons used by sneaky criminals looking to stay one step above the law.

Labels: WEAPON
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Your Thursday readables:
- So it begins: emerging markets pass the developed world in foreign direct investment receipts
- The US economy returns to positive growth. Break out the party hats!
- Now listen to this podcast, and put your party hats away. This is excellent.
- What story can you tell in 6 words?
- Very cool nature pictures
Labels: readables
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Barry Eichengreen, the reliably even-handed Berkeley prof, has written an article arguing that the future of the US dollar is not nearly as grim as some would have you believe:
"The blogosphere is abuzz with reports of the dollar’s looming demise."With posts like this one, Barry? Onwards:
"The first thing to say about this is that one should be sceptical about economists’ predictions, especially those concerning the near term. Our models are, to put it bluntly, useless for predicting currency movements over a few weeks or months.... Over periods of several years, our models do better. Over those time horizons, the emphasis on the need for the US to export more and on the greater difficulty the economy will have in attracting foreign capital are on the mark. These factors give good grounds for expecting further dollar weakness. The question is, Weakness against what?"This is precisely the point that one of our readers brought up when I discussed this issue a couple of weeks ago (see? we read your comments). The argument goes like this: the dollar is weakening, but so are the currencies of all other major economies due to stimulus packages and mounting government debt. If you are going to abandon the dollar, you need to switch to something else. Barry dismisses the likelihood of the USD being replaced by the euro or yen, and points out that China will not be ready to introduce the remnibi as a viable alternative for quite some time.
Nor is inflation a plausible threat right now, either: despite what some shrill voices may be saying, the Federal Reserve is still determined (and credible) in its fight against inflation.
So without an alternative currency to the dollar, there's nowhere to go. Aha! that is where gold comes in, right? Not so fast, says Nouriel Roubini in a recent interview:
"I don’t believe in gold. Gold can go up for only two reasons. [One is] inflation, and we are in a world where there are massive amounts of deflation because of a glut of capacity, and demand is weak, and there’s slack in the labor markets with unemployment peeking above 10 percent in all the advanced economies.... The only other case in which gold can go higher with deflation is if you have Armageddon, if you have another depression. But we’ve avoided that tail risk as well. So all the gold bugs who say gold is going to go to $1,500, $2,000, they’re just speaking nonsense."
I think that these are all important counter-arguments to those inclined to write the dollar's obituary. My earlier post suggested that the evidence pointed to a long-run decline in the dollar - and that argument still holds. But for the short term? I leave the last word to Prof. Eichengreen:
"For the moment, the patient is stable, external symptoms notwithstanding. But there will be grounds for worry if he doesn’t commit to a healthier lifestyle."
Labels: China, Currencies, dollar
McDonald's is not only a giant in the fast-food world, but it is also the source of handy economic indicators. See, for instance, The Economist's Big Mac Index and its alternative.
But there's a much more blunt McD's indicator: it occurs when, despite operating in about 120 countries worldwide, the burger chain decides that your country is a lost cause:Iceland edged further towards the margins of the global economy on Monday when McDonald's announced the closure of its three restaurants in the crisis-hit country and said that it had no plans to return. The move will see Iceland, one of the world’s wealthiest nations per capita until the collapse of its banking sector last year, join Albania, Armenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in a small band of European countries without a McDonald’s.
That is serious.
Labels: economia, financial crisis
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Recent findings have concluded that a majority of our illnesses; mental and physical, can be traced back to the way we eat. In two words: ?Junk Food?. Most people know this. So why do we do it to ourselves? Do we all have a long a painful death wish? Why?
I believe in a majority of cases this has to do with exposure to these foods throughout our lifetimes. They become habit. A habit that seems to be the most difficult to break as we have to eat, and they do seem most convenient in our fast paced world.
We are living in a ?throw away society? where our values seem to be forgotten. The best foods for our bodies are vegetables and fruits. How easy is that? They come without fancy expensive wrapping, they are environmentally friendly, people are not dying from consuming them over a course of years, and at the end of the week, they don?t leave piles of garbage and recycling at the end of your driveway.
However it is easier to drive up to a window and mindlessly stuff a fried burger down your cake hole, and drive away with no thought or dishes to clean up.
Our bodies seemingly take on the role of garbage can, all because of convenience and the constant media push.
Very similar to drugs or alcohol, Junk Food becomes habitual. The solution sounds easy enough ?eat close to nature?. You need five to ten servings each day of fruits and vegetables. It takes a little bit of time to prepare your own meals but once you get used to it, you start turning your nose down to all those packaged foods. Once you get back to a natural way of eating, then you can start to be picky about organic foods including meats. Here is a very easy recipe for a healthy meal.
Chef?s Veggie Burger
1 cup mushrooms and onions
1/2 cup corn and peas
1/2 cup diced peppers
1 cup cooked wild rice
1 cup cooked brown long grain rice
whole wheat bread crumbs
4 eggs; egg beater equivalent
olive oil
Saute vegetable and rice together and season to taste. Brown, then place in bowl. Add liquid egg and mix thoroughly. Dust with bread crumbs and cornstarch until a very thick burger like consistency. Season with pepper and garlic to taste. If you like fresh herbs, you can add them too. Form into patties about 1/2″ thick and grill or pan fry them (with little oil in the pan) in a nonstick pan. Add tomatoes, lettuce, onions and whatever other condiments you like.
Labels: FOODs
Why does your skin become drier during the winter months? Because many of us are exposed to factors that cause us to lose moisture, including the soaps that we used on a daily basis.
Take fewer showers
Dermatologists recommend that we limit the number of showers or baths that we take. For those of us who simply must bathe frequently, try spending a little less time in the tub/shower.
While many of us like a hot shower, try adjusting the water temperature. Make it warm, rather than hot. The hotter the water, the more it depletes your skin and hair of natural moisture. Try switching to gentle cleansers, ones that do not contain a lot of harsh chemicals: Aveeno, Dove, Nuetrogena, or Tea Tree Gel Therapeutic Body Moisturizer.
Lay it on thick!
If you?re like me, then you don?t care for the feel of thick, heavy, greasy moisturizers. But, let?s face it, they work best. If you cannot tolerate the heavy stuff, then you might want to mix it with a lighter lotion, but make sure to avoid products containing alcohol. It?s best if you apply your moisturizer right after bathing.
Don?t forget to drink lots of water, at least 8 fluid ounces per day and add a humidifier to your arsenal, especially if your house has forced-air heating.
The winter months are a challenge to our health but need not be a threat. Here are some easy ways to give your immune system a boost and help protect yourself from viruses and bacterial infections.
Get good rest
Avoid burning the midnight oil and instead snuggle down with some essential oils such as lavender, which has antiviral and antibacterial properties.
Get outside every day
Even if it's only for a few minutes, step outside and take some deep breaths, have a good stretch and go for a brisk walk if you can.
Eat fresh foods high in natural energy and vitamin C
Soups and stews that are warming, nourishing and easy to digest are ideal for the winter months. Now is not the time for cold foods and drinks. Think warm, fresh and comforting and you will be on the right track for improved immunity.
Positive Thinking and Natural Support
Our immunity can be compromised by stress and negative emotions. Finding ways to relax and enjoy the winter months can go along way to helping us keep fit and healthy. Simple pleasures like essential oils and a supportive diet can help chase away tension and lift your spirits.
The key is to go with the flow of the season, to adjust with it and adopt some self-supportive habits. Try warm baths with aromatic oils and candles; hearty home cooked meals and snuggling down for an early night with an uplifting read.
Take Thyme Out
Thyme essential oil is antiviral and antibacterial. Use a few drops in an oil burner or add to your bath for an immunity boosting, muscle soothing soak. Thyme oil can irritate sensitive skin, so mix it with some oil (such as grape seed or almond) or milk, before adding to your bath under hot running water.
Note: Do not use if you are pregnant or have high blood pressure.
Super-Foods for Boosting Immunity:
# Ginger
Ginger is one of the best natural remedies for relief from colds and flu, it has anti-viral compounds, and it can help sooth coughs and reduce pain too.
# Apples
Apples are known to be high in vitamin C; they also contain antiviral and antibacterial compounds. In the winter months they are delicious served baked or stewed with cloves.
# Liquorice
Liquorice tea is a warming and soothing drink revered for it's healing abilities in soothing sore throats and coughs. Look out for Liquorice Egyptian Spice by Yogi Tea in your local supermarket or health store.
Easy Winter Warmer
Put two cups of good quality cloudy apple juice in a saucepan
add ? teaspoon of grated fresh ginger
? teaspoon of cinnamon powder (or a whole cinnamon stick)
and a pinch of clove powder (or 3 whole cloves)
simmer for 5 minutes, then strain and serve
This vitamin C rich drink is quick and easy to prepare and contains a blend of soothing and supportive ingredients that combine to lift your spirits and boost your immune system.
Ananga Sivyer is a contributing editor and health consultant for LifeScape magazine and the author of the self-help workbook: The Art & Science of Emotional Freedom
Labels: WINTER♥
Environmental factors, such as cold weather and low humidity have a negative impact on your skin, such as dryness and irritation. Dry skin can appear at any age however, the severity of the dryness increases with age. Dry skin can trigger other skin ailments such as dermatitis, itchiness and irritation and can be characterized by flakiness, roughness and loss of elasticity.
Inappropriate skin care products can also trigger skin dryness in particular during winter. For example, every day cleansers, especially cleansers that contain harsh surfactants (detergents) can have a negative impact on your skin. Be aware of detergents such as sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate from a product?s ingredients list.
Due to cold weather and changes in the lipids structure of the skin cells, those detergents can easily penetrate the outermost skin layer (stratum corneum) leading to cell damage.
The use of products with high pH alkaline such as soaps can lead to dryness. The impact of the alkaline pH on the stratum corneum, which has slightly acidic pH, induces rapid tightness, which generates skin cracking.
Cold weather promotes a significant reduction in skin hydration. A cleanser without any moisturizing ingredient can reduce the level of fatty acids and cholesterol from stratum corneum even after a single wash. The removal of these lipids can impair the maintenance of a healthy skin. Humectants, such as vegetable glycerin in the formulation of the cleansers are very efficient to attract the moisture into the skin.
To prevent weather-induced skin damages, you have to take into account an extra skin care.
Here are some practical ideas for your consideration. Use a very mild cleansing formula, such as a natural cleansing product without harmful detergents.
Remove completely the soap from your skin care routine during the winter months.
Apply face creams that include high physiological lipids content, such as: cholesterol, ceramide and free fatty acids, like palmitoleic acid. These lipids ease the penetration of the ingredients into the skin and help reform the lipid?s skin structure. Ingredients that can promote the synthesis of ceramide, like linoleic and gamma linoleic acids are also of great importance in maintaining a healthy skin. A night cream instead of a daily moisturizer is much more recommended during the winter in order to replenish and balance the moisture of your skin.
In conclusion, don't forget to extend and adjust your skin care routine to the cold and dry weather conditions.
1. For a natural look your foundation must match your skin tone. Test foundations along your jawline. You will know the best color because it will disappear into your skin.
2. Spread foundation on your hands and pat it on your face, then smooth out with a sponge making sure not to pull or stretch the skin. Be extra careful in the area around your eyes where the skin is super thin. Don't forget to apply foundation on your eyelids and lips.
3. To make foundation last apply moisturizer first giving the foundation a base. Dry skin will soak up the foundation if not given that base. For oily skin use an oil-free moisturizer and powder foundation
4. On hot days foundation can be difficult to keep looking fresh. Set your foundation in the morning using a loose powder and puff, then do regular touch ups throughout the day.
5. To cover imperfections apply foundation first and then go back and dot on a concealer that neutralizes red. For noticeable imperfections like very dark circles and birthmarks use a yellow concealer (available from Mary Kay). Don?t use too much powder in problem areas because it will draw attention to it.
6. To avoid a foundation line around the jaw apply foundation as usual then use a little moisturizer in your hand and blend it down your neck.
7. For evening mix some shimmer powder with your powder and put it where you want to attract light such as the bridge of the nose, underneath the brow bone, the temples, cheekbone, chin and shoulders.
8. Always use a foundation with a sunscreen of at least 15 to prevent future sun damage.
9. Change your foundation shade if the color of your skin changes.
10. After you apply foundation go near a window to make sure it looks natural. Natural light is the ultimate test.
Personal Trainer to the Stars!!
Celebrity Personal Trainers!!
Who are these amazing personal trainers that train the stars, professional athletes, celebrities, rock musicians, and the rest of the rich and famous?
Well, being a personal trainer and a perfectionist, I did some research to find out who they are and how one becomes a personal trainer to the stars. The research I uncovered about these so-called celebrity personal trainers that charge fees of $300+ per hour for their expertise indicates that, like the rest of the personal training industry, there are no requirements of any sort to become a celebrity trainer. Most of these celebrity trainers simply happened to be in the right place at the right time.
I had a close friend who was in a car accident. Since the insurance covered it, he went to see a chiropractor after the accident. During the first few visits, he and the chiropractor got to talking, and they hit it off. The chiropractor happened to know some celebrities, and just by knowing him, my friend got a gig training a star. Fortunately, my friend had a good knowledge base and was great at working with people, although the chiropractor had no real way of knowing this at the time. There was something in it for the chiropractor, though, in that he got a cut for recommending the my friend to the celebrity.
Mangers of celebrities would be doing their star clients a favor if they used a little more caution when hiring personal trainers and the like. As with any referral, a thorough screening and background check are in order before simply hiring a trainer on some other celebrity?s say-so. Unfortunately for the client, the endorsement by another famous person is often all it takes for an unqualified musclehead, who knows virtually nothing about how to work with people or train the human body, to get in the door.
Just Because They?re Famous Doesn?t Mean They?re Knowledgeable
I want to state that I am by no means bashing personal trainers who work with stars, or any individual?s personal trainer ? although it?s always important to find and hire a trainer with the highest level of education, experience, and certifications. Unfortunately, it?s not necessarily the people with the best qualifications, but rather those with the best marketing and biggest mouths who usually get all the attention. Take note: This DOES NOT MEAN they know a hill of beans about training. The thing about the lack of regulation in this field is that you don?t really have to be very well-qualified to get a job doing it. If you?re good at causing a big commotion and conveying confidence about your ability to make people feel good, you will succeed in the business, whether or not you can actually deliver on your promise.
Take a look at the industry and you?ll see that celebrity personal trainers are a dime a dozen now. All the biggest stars ? Britney Spears, P‑Diddy, J‑Lo, Oprah, Madonna, Tom Cruise ? have personal trainers. Even the trainers themselves are getting famous now, just because of their celebrity clients. Two of the most celebrated personal trainers are Bob Green, Oprah?s trainer, and Gunter, trainer to many celebrities.
I have watched many of these personal trainers on the news and listened to their advice about which diets work and which are the best nutrition products on the market. Trust me, their biggest gift is their ability to get in front of a camera to sell their products, because their advice is questionable, at best. Still, no one can argue their ability to generate millions of dollars because of their proximity to the rich and famous. The sad part is that they?re making a large portion of their money by exploiting millions of uneducated, unmotivated people, playing on their unrealistic desires to look like the next celebrity on the big screen.
We?re Not All Going to Look Like Supermodels or Professional Athletes
Let?s say you work really hard and you?re in the best shape of your life, but you still don?t look like your idealized image of the perfect man or woman. People, let?s be honest with each other. Not everyone is going to look like Pamela Anderson or Brad Pitt. Genetics play a big role in our looks, not to mention the cosmetic enhancements created through plastic surgery, air brushing, and camera tricks. Being healthy and fit doesn?t mean you will never have a little fat on your body. Looking great and feeling great without the aid of drugs, cosmetics, and surgery will take you to better places than any amount of fame will ever give you.
Before you decide you want to look like a cover girl or a superjock, it?s really important to get comfortable with yourself exactly as you are. Sure, you?re going to feel better as you lose weight and build muscle, but the you inside is going to be the same. Yes, your shapely new build may inspire confidence, but the raw materials of your personality are going to be exactly the same. Are you fundamentally happy with your life and who you are now ? or are you waiting around for external improvements to make you feel better on the inside? Just like the roots of a plant determine the quality of its fruit, it?s the invisible, internal stuff that determines the happiness of your external life.
Celebrities Whine & Complain Just Like Everybody Else
As a society, we?ve been trained to look up to people whose job it is to pretend everyday to be someone other than who they are. And because of the glitz and glamour associated with their Hollywood lives, we put them up on pedestals and give extra weight to what they say ? for no reason other than the fact that they?re famous.
I hate to break it to you, but I have trained some celebrities and stars ? and the truth is they are no different than you or I. Granted, it?s their job to look great all the time, so they spend a ton of time and money making sure they keep on looking good. But they whine and complain just as much as the rest of us. Wouldn?t you love to get paid to look good, rather than paying someone to help you look better?
Once upon a time, only celebrities hired personal trainers, in part because only celebrities could afford them, but also because looking good was viewed primarily as the arena of the famous. It?s good to know we regular folks are getting smarter, in that we?re beginning to realize just how important personal training is in the lives of everyone, not just famous people. If you think about how important a healthy body is to every aspect of your life, you might come to realize that a good trainer is more important than your hair dresser, your CPA, or even your mechanic. In fact, a personal trainer is a mechanic ? only the machine he or she works on is not a car, but the most important machine you will ever own: your body.
Personal trainers help keep you healthy by motivating you ? and the celebrities ? to get in shape and keep off the fat.
The Results of Quick-Fix Shape-Up Programs Never Last
I am constantly amazed when I hear celebrities and their personal trainers promoting their diets and/or nutritional products. If the alleged ?professionals? holding the media limelight still don?t know how the body functions (and far too many of them don?t), it?s no wonder our nation just keeps on getting fatter. There are two significant problems with quick-fix formats for training and nutrition. First, these extreme exercise and diet regimens that quickly get stars in phenomenal shape for a movie role or a tour are terrible for the body. Yet many celebrities are willing to do whatever it takes to get in shape as quickly as possible because they know their jobs could be on the line. Secondly, regular people, fans of these fabulous-looking stars, try to follow the celebrities? diet and exercise programs, only to wind up failing, both because they cannot keep up the extreme regimens and because the programs are unnatural and impossible to sustain for any length of time.
Remaining super-lean year-round can be challenging, especially if you?re on an exercise program that leans you down in as little as 8 to 12 weeks, such as a bodybuilder?s diet and exercise regimen. This process can get you looking phenomenal for a day or two, but I guarantee it won?t last much beyond that, because our bodies simply cannot function at that level for any sustained period of time. However, you can achieve these results and stay super-lean year-round with a lifestyle change that incorporates healthy meals and regular exercise. A program like this is geared to burn fat as opposed to primarily building muscle, unlike the regimens celebrity personal trainers often put their star clients on.
The thing is, short-term training programs to get in shape for a one- or two-day event (like a bodybuilding contest) do work, but because they occur at an unnaturally rapid pace, they cannot be carried out for any real length of time, at least not without doing serious harm to the body. But sure enough, most celebrity personal training programs are designed around this quick-fix process because so few personal trainers really understand anatomy and human kinetics, the science of how the human body functions. There are well-educated trainers ? they just happen to be unfortunately rare. I have worked in the industry for many years, and seldom encounter other trainers who have degrees or even quality certifications, or who continue to develop their education and expand their knowledge about human function and performance. In this unregulated industry, no one is checking to see if personal trainers are performing any kind of continuing ed ? and I promise you, most are not.
All this is not to say that you should not hire a personal trainer. Hell, even personal trainers who know hardly anything about creating a quality exercise or nutrition program still can create an environment where you can get in great shape. They can motivate you to achieve better health and make much further progress than you would likely ever accomplish on your own. Almost any personal trainer is better than no personal trainer. Almost.
Differing Levels of Training Experience ? and Results
Certainly there are people reading this who feel they can do it ? the fitness program and healthy diet ? all on their own. More power to anyone who can create a healthy eating plan, incorporate a weight training routine, and practice a regular cardio regimen on their own. Please know, however, you are the extreme exception. For many people, the problem isn?t in creating the program or even finding the discipline to commit to it. The problem is that in trying to do it all themselves, they are creating the wrong program for the results they wish to achieve. These are the folks who train regularly, yet see little or no results. They then get frustrated and quit, thinking they have tried everything when it comes to losing fat, that they simply must not be disciplined enough ? when, in reality, discipline has very little to do with it.
There also are those who think they know a lot because they?ve achieved great results on their own, when in actuality, they?ve just been blessed with good genes and would benefit by doing almost any kind of exercise. Most of your models, movie stars, and celebrities fall into this category, so any exercise and nutritional program a personal trainer gives them is likely to work like a charm. Under the guidance of a knowledgeable personal trainer and certified nutritionist, these people would see more and better results than they had ever dreamed possible. And the best part would be that the results would last, rather than simply providing the short-term fix they?ve become used to.
Lastly, of course, are the people who don?t care about their health, don?t have time to exercise, or never exercise, because exercise hurts, they hate to sweat, or their self-esteem is in the toilet and they figure it?s a waste of time to even try. While this sort of personal apathy toward preserving one?s health through exercise and proper eating may seem like no one?s business but the individual?s, it really is a very selfish act. Treating your body well, including getting regular exercise and eating healthy food, is the most unselfish thing you can do. Think about it ? if you don?t take care of yourself now, sooner than later, others will have to take care of you. Since you were too lazy, busy, or depressed to invest the time or energy in staying healthy, you will, inevitably, make others suffer.
A Qualified Trainer Will Tailor a Program to Meet Your Needs
If companies and governments were wise, personal trainers would be mandatory and health insurance would cover them. Well, a guy can dream, can?t he? Seriously, even if you only see a trainer once a week ? or even once a month ? to check in and make sure you?re performing your exercises properly, it?s better than not seeing one at all.
Take the time to do the research, and then invest in a qualified trainer who is knowledgeable about how to help you achieve your personal goals. If you have a special need ? a back injury, joint problems, limited range of motion ? find someone who can address your issues specifically. Don?t jump on the latest celebrity trainer bandwagon, just because the person is a trainer to the stars. Find a personal trainer who knows how to train your human body and get you results.
Fame Doesn?t Equal Expertise ? Particularly in the Health & Fitness Industry
Celebrity personal trainers, spokesmodels, movie stars, athletes, and other rich and famous people probably got where they are because they?re great at what they do. That does not mean you should follow their advice about health and nutrition. You probably wouldn?t ask a plumber advice about how to change your car?s oil, would you? Likewise, celebrities may look good, but that doesn?t mean they ? even celebrity trainers ? know anything about proper exercise and nutrition. Hire a health, fitness, and nutrition professional. They are the only people whose advice you should take regarding these subjects. Even medical doctors generally are not the best advocates for proper fitness and nutrition, because they are trained in specific fields and seldom are aware of how all the parts of the body work and move in cooperation.
Have you ever noticed how some of the famous people dishing health advice are not even in that great of shape? Why would you take advice from someone who isn?t in peak physical condition? That?s like getting your hair cut by a stylist with a bowl cut or having a gap-toothed orthodontist install your braces. Not to mention that anyone can look great, but still feel terrible because they achieved their looks through an unhealthy method.
Research Pays Off When Searching for a Qualified Trainer
The thing is, you don?t know what you don?t know. As a result, many people fall into the trap of buying the baloney stars like Britney Spears, Oprah, and Dr. Phil are selling. And even though a star might actually have a fabulous, incredibly knowledgeable trainer, a lot can be misinterpreted between the time the trainer offers exercise or diet specifics to his celebrity client and the time that celebrity repeats the info to his or her adoring public. It?s like that game of Telephone you played when you were a kid ? by the time the information reaches you, it has turned into misinformation.
How do you know who to believe anyway? One star says they got great results by simply lifting weights and eating fewer calories. The next celebrity says they lost tons of weight by eating a low-fat diet high in protein. Another famous somebody swears by a daily swim, lots of veggies, and whole lot of good carbs. Arghhhhhh!!!! It all sounds confusing as hell. And, in a way, it is.
A program that?s right for a size-2 supermodel probably is not right for a heavy stay-at-home mom who is just now learning to incorporate any exercise into her day. The proper program for an individual depends on his or her biochemistry and the specific way their body functions. Understanding human kinetics is not as easy as A-B-C. When it comes to the human body, there may be many underlying reasons why one person begins a simple walking program and, voila, they look phenomenal, while another person runs, lifts weights, and kills themselves in the gym, only to step on the scale and find they?ve gained another pound.
The human body is awash in mysteries, and a good personal trainer will help you solve yours so you can lose all the fat you want and add all the muscle you desire. Again, personal training is all about you and your results. And even if all your exercise and effort don?t drop a pound off you ? if you see no noticeable changes ? know that the exercise is benefiting your body and your health, and it would be stupid to discontinue your program. Rather than quit, find someone to help you fine-tune your regimen so you can begin to see the results from all your hard work.
The main thing is this: Don?t follow someone?s advice just because they claim to be a personal trainer to the stars or charge $300 an hour. None of that means their program will get you the results you want. There are no healthy quick fixes. Get on a quality exercise program and eat properly, period. Don?t waste time, money, or energy, only to become frustrated. Do the research and hire a professional who can give you sensible advice that will get you on your way to looking good and feeling great.
Mangers and Agents for Celebrity Personal Trainers: Consult with a professional call me and I can find you the best personal trainer for your star, celebrity, Athlete, or yourself.
Since ancient time women are using herbs and natural beauty care, to enhance their skin beauty. Even today, women are rediscovering herbs, minerals and herbal beauty tips to enhance the beauty and longevity of their skin. As a result today the market is flooded with natural skin care masks and scrubs. Most of these herbal beauty products can be prepared at home and comprise mostly the things that have their usage in homes. Preparation of these herbal beauty products includes herbs, minerals, fruits, vegetables and natural spices. Some of those are Honey, turmeric, lemon, curd, milk etc. Items of daily use can make you beautiful when prepared in required composition and work as a skin care remedy for you.
To look beautiful one need not to be born beautiful. With care and cure from various herbal beauty tips, anyone can look beautiful. Beauty care is must for every woman irrespective of her age and geography. Using chemicaly treated skin products can harm your skin beauty, whereas herbal beauty remedies irrespective of skin type and age are harmless. Herbal beauty products are also having many medicinal usages.
Various herbal skin beauty tips are available for healthy skin. So avoid chemical based products and start using herbal beauty products to enhance your beauty for long period.
Labels: HERBAL

Some of the essential herbs for making herbal products at home are here.
Alcohol: Alcohol is an antiseptic. It is used in astringents and act as a solvent in oils.
Almond: Almonds are used in making face packs. It is a good cleanser and it nourishes skin. Almond is also used as almond oil. Almond oil is used widely to prepare homemade herbal products. Almond oil is good for skin beauty care.
Apple: Apple is a fruit and it is acidic in nature. Apple nourishes and keeps the skin glowing.
Apricot: Apricot is a fruit, rich in vitamin A. Apricot’s pulp is used as face masks. Apricot oil is used in nourishing creams for skin beauty care.
Avocado: Avocado is rich in vitamin. Pulp of avocado is used as Face masks and oil in nourishing creams.
Banana: Banana is used as face masks; it is very good skin tightening masks.
Barley: Barley is a wild herb. Barley has great nutritional value, as it is rich in Vitamin B and Iron. In addition, barley has lots of medicinal value. It cools body and strengthened the nerves.
Basil: Basil is popularly known as Tulsi. Basil has strong medicinal value.
Beer: It is used to wash face also, it prevents skin rashes. Beer is used to wash hairs and to set hairs.
Bicarbonate Soda: it is an acid salt of carbonic acid used for cosmetics and it is used to clean teeth.
Blackberry: Blackberries are good for anemic people. It is used in lotion for skin beauty care. These berries are rich in Vitamin C.
Borax: It is commonly known as Suhaga. It is a Colorless transparent crystal with detergent and antiseptic properties.
Bran: Bran is choker, used in bath softening. Bran is used in preparing masks for face.
Buttermilk: It is used as cleanser bleaching agent. It is good for oily skin.
Cabbage: Cabbage is rich in Vitamins and Minerals.
Calamine Lotion: Calamine lotion is an alkaline lotion to soothe irritated skin. It contains lime water, glycerin, zinc oxide and calamine.
Camphor: Camphor is white crystalline substance and is used as antiseptic. It can be used in two ways either camphor cake or camphor spirit.
Camphor oil: It is used in aching muscles and in massage cremes.
Carrot: Carrot is rich in Vitamin A. Pulp of carrot can be used in making face-cleansing mask. Carrot oil is used in nourishing eye creme and its juice is used in face masks.
Castor Oil: Castor oil is used in various hair products.
Clove: Clove is commonly known as Laung. Clove is aromatic spice used in making skin tonics and face masks.
Cocoa Butter: Cocoa Butter is solidified oil from roasted cocoa beans. It is used in massage creams for dry skins.
Corn Oil: Corn Oil is also known as Gram seed oil. It is a heavy vegetable oil, used to make body and face creams.
Corn Milk: Corn milk is rich in Vitamin A and magnesium. It is used on dry skins.
Cucumber: Cucumber is commonly known as Kheera. It is slightly astringent, cool, refreshing, and used in lotions, creams and masks.
Dried Milk: It nourishes skin and used in thickening face masks.
Eggs: Egg is very useful aid to beauty. Yolk of egg is used to nourish and white is for drying and tightening. It is used in face masks and as hair conditioner.
Emulsifying wax B.P: It is extremely useful for stabilizing creams. It is made from Ceto Stearyl alcohol and sodium lauryl sulphate.
Labels: HERBAL
There are many herbs for homemade beauty remedies. Herbs are the essential part of homemade beauty tips. Herbal beauty tips starts with knowledge of herbs. Some essential herbs for natural beauty care remedies are here.
Fennel: This herb is for cleansing of the skin. It is used in steaming water to cleanse the face skin. Fennel is also useful for slimming.
Fitkari (Alum): It is a powder of yellow or white in color. It has an astringent property. It is used in lotions and as a dry shampoo to remove sweat and dirt.
Fuller’s Mud: It is commonly known as Multani Mitti. It is clay rich in minerals. It is used in face masks for cleansing of the skin. It is also good for hair and used as shampoo.
Garlic: Garlic is an antiseptic.
Gelatin: Gelatin is a rich source of protein. It is useful for hair conditioning and diluted as setting lotions for hairs. It is also used in nail hardening creams.
Glycerin: It is used in face creams and lotions. It is good for dry skin as it holds moisture.
Grapes: Grapes are acidic in nature. It is good for skin cleansing and bleaching.
Groundnut Oil: It is also known as peanut oil. Groundnut oil is a vegetable oil used in face creams and body lotions.
Gum resin: Gum resin is used for stabilizing the creams.
Henna: It is also known as mehandi. Henna has a cooling property. It is used as hair conditioner and hair dye. Henna is also for hands and feet decoration by applying in various artistic designs.
Honey: Honey is useful for nourishing and softening the skin. It is used widely in face masks, creams and lotions. It is good for dry skin as it provides moisture to skin.
Houseleek: This herb is used as healing and astringent in lotions.
Jasmine Oil: It is an aromatic oil of jasmine flower. It is used as perfume in many herbal beauty products.
Kaolin: Kaolin is fine clay used for absorption purpose in masks.
Kelp: It is seaweed rich in minerals. It is used in masks. It is good for spotty skin.
Kohl: It is a black powder used to outline eyes.
Lanolin: Lanolin is a kind of fat. It is used for moisturizing and softening the skin.
Lavender: Lavender is flower with refreshing fragrance. It is widely used to have scented bath. It is good for nerves, cures cough and is ant paralytic. It is also used as mouth wash. Lavender oil is useful in headaches, relaxes joints and muscles.
Lecithin: Lecithin is highly nutritious powder. It is a soft yellow powder found in egg yolk and soybean.
Lemon: Lemon is rich in Vitamin C. It is acidic in nature and used as astringent and bleach. It is used in skin tonics and creams.
Lemon balm: Lemon balm is good for cleansing the skin.
Lemon peel: Lemon peel is rich in oil. This oil is aromatic oil and is used for face masks.
Lettuce: It is known as chuqandar also. Lettuce is rich in minerals, iron and vitamins. It has a cooling nature and it is good for sunburn reddish.
Marigold: Marigold is an orange color flower. It is a disinfectant herb. Marigold has a strong effect on ulcer and open sores. The flowers may be eaten raw or can be applied as a lotion. Marigold is good for oily skin as it reduces oil.
Marshmallow: Marshmallow is found on wasteland. It is one the best herbal cough remedies. On its external application, it reduces soreness in the breasts.
Mayonnaise: It nourishes skin and used as face masks. Mayonnaise is also a good hair conditioner.
Melon: It is used on dry skin for refreshing and cleaning the skin.
Milk: Milk is useful for softening and cleaning the skin. It nourishes skin well.
Mineral Oil: It is colorless and non-penetrating oil. It is used in creams.
Mint: This herb is famous for its scent. Mint tea is useful in proper digestion, revival of appetite. Also pepper mint and spearmint is a useful herb. It is used for scented bath; peppermint helps in curing skin problems.
Labels: HERBAL
Oak: Oak leaves used in bathing water for deodorant. It is relaxing and provides freshness to body.
Oatmeal: Oatmeal is cleansing and soothing meal. It is useful for cleansing of skin or in face masks.
Olive Oil: It is a vegetable oil Used in nourishing creams. Olive oil is useful in massaging for smooth and relaxing skin.
Onion: Onion is an antiseptic. Onion is useful for washing face to prevent blemishes. Onion mixed with honey makes a great anti – wrinkle cream.
Orange: Orange is rich in vitamin C. Orange juice is used as skin tonic and for making masks. Orange flowers are useful for fragrant water bath. This helps in preventing body odor. Also, extract of orange flowers in used in creams and tonics.
Dried Orange peel is useful in making face masks and facial scrubs. It is also used in tooth powders.
Papaya: Papaya pulp is useful for cleansing and softening of the skin. It removes all the dead cells of skin.
Parsley: Parsley is tonic for the urinary system. Parsley is useful for purifying the breath.
Peach: It is useful for moisturizing, nourishing and perfuming the skin. It is useful for making face masks for dry skins.
Peppermint: Peppermint provides tightening and stimulating effect in skin tonics and face masks.
Petroleum Jelly: It is a lubricating jelly used in cleansing creams and hand creams.
Pine: Pine is used in bath to refresh and soothe aching muscles. Pine oil can also add to the bath.
Plum: Plum is useful in cleansing of skin. Also used in masks, tonics and creams.
Potatoes: Potato has cleansing properties. It clears the skin. Using thin slice of potatoes on eyes can reduce puffiness and dark circles around the eyes.
Raspberries: Raspberries has cleansing properties. Use crushed fruit in face masks. Juice of raspberries prevents blemishes on skin.
Rose: Rose is use as fragrant in various masks, creams, lotions and tonics. Rose is rich in Vitamin E, which nourishes skin.
Rose oil is highly aromatic essential oil used in cosmetics.
Rose water is scented water made from rose petals, used widely in skin tonics, face mask and creams.
Rosemary: Rosemary has valuable medicinal properties. Rosemary is used in various tonics for heart, liver and it reduces High blood pressure. It is useful in treatment of nerves, digestive disorder and menstrual pains. Rosemary is used in lotions also, rosemary oil cures headache. Rosemary with honey cures coughing. Rosemary is a tonic for scalp and skin. Rosemary reduces skin wrinkles. Rosemary leaves and flowers when boiled in water make a good face wash. Regular washing of face with this solution keeps you young forever.
Labels: HERBAL
Salt: Salt mixed in equal quantity with bicarbonate of soda is an excellent tooth powder. Salt also makes a good scrub for the body to tone the skin and improves blood circulation.
Sesame Oil: It is polyunsaturated oil. Used in all cosmetics. It is very useful to prevent sun tanning as it absorbs ultra violet rays.
Soap Flakes: Soap Solutions used as emulsifying agent.
Stearic Acid: Stearic acid is a natural fatty acid. It is a crystalline white substance in wax form. It is useful in making creams and body lotions.
Strawberry: Strawberry has lots of medicinal value. In fever and excessive perspiration strawberry leaves work as good medicine. The plant is also helpful in curing diarrhea, over - copious menstruation, threatened abortion, risk of hemorrhage and digestive system. Strawberry contains maximum iron contents and cures anemia. Strawberry juice can be used to treat serious skin ailments. Strawberry juice is useful to treat discolored teeth by cleaning teeth with juice.
Sugar: Sugar is a very good face scrub. Lather skin with soap, then take handful of sugar and scrub, rinse off and apply lemon juice. This thoroughly cleanses and stimulates the skin.
Sulphur: Sulphur is a yellow powder used in acne preparations. It slows down the activity of the oil producing glands. Some people are allergic to sulphur so give a patch test on skin before using it fully.
Sunflower Oil: Sunflower oil is rich in Un – polysaturates. Widely used in creams.
Tea: Tea contains tannin that has soothing and healing effect. Tannin is used in sun creams as it absorbs ultra violet rays it prevents sun burning. Tea bags are soothing eye pads.
Thyme: Thyme grows wild on dry banks. Thyme has heavily scented flowers. Thyme has great cleansing properties. Thyme is a good digestive and a liver tonic too. It cures various illnesses like psychological disorders, headaches, hysteria, halitosis and various female ailments.
Tomato: Tomato is slightly acidic vegetable, containing potassium and vitamin C. Useful to treat blackheads, open pores and greasy skin.
Turnips: Turnip can be used raw, grated or boiled in cleansing skin care masks.
Turtle oil: Turtle oil is rich in vitamins. It is used in rich nourishing creams. It is effective oil but it smells very bad.
Vaseline: It is just like petroleum jelly.
Vinegar: Vinegar is acid. Dilute vinegars with eight times of water in it. Use this solution for softening of the skin.
Vitamins: Vitamins are valuable for skin and hairs. Vitamin A is useful for dry skin and acne. It also has soothing property. Vitamin B improves health of skin and hairs. Vitamin C heals acne. Vitamin D absorbs in skin and gives healing effect. Vitamin C has healing effects. Vitamin F cures dry and chapped skin. It is often used in face and skin creams.
Labels: HERBAL
He's also done these conceptual 'beauty weapons' (read whatever deeper meanings you like):

As it's Barbie's 50th anniversary this year (the reason for the rather odd Barbie inspired show Mattel have just hosted at New York fashion week - see below) we thought we'd dedicate a post to her, given that in some ways she's the ultimate fashion icon, and a sort of pop art object. You might want to look away now if you're a fashion diabetic who can't tolerate such levels of sugary sweetness..

Anyway, with this Barbie-fest going on, we were inspired to look in our large design book collection to see if there was anything on Barbie. Surprisingly, we found this "Apple Identifier to Barbie Dolls":

Serious Barbie fans may be interested in fashion-publisher Assouline's new book, "The Ultimate Collection: Barbie", which costs $500, and doubtless has a much larger collection of photos, perhaps including the various Barbie outfits that have actually been designed by high fashion designers. The photos are removable, which means they can be displayed elsewhere too.

Labels: BARBIE♥