Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sometimes I save the links to articles on particular topics in the hopes that, one day, they will be incorporated into a post. Other times, like now, I will just dump them into a messy pile.

- Should you go to graduate school in a recession? Maybe it's not such a good idea if you're studying the humanities.

- In America, differences in opinions about globalization appear to correlate strongly with education levels. One possibility is that those without university degrees are ignorant of the benefits of globalization and therefore deserve to be ignored. A more likely explanation is that the less-educated are not feeling those benefits too strongly these days.

- (Of course, in order to take people's opinions seriously, there is a minimum level of education required. Crazy sprinkler lady need not apply).

- The United Kingdom is considering shifting away from “a teaching year that mimics the medieval agricultural and religious cycle.” What, no more 6 week Easter break? Such a radical shift would threaten more research-oriented schools, presuming they haven't closed already.

- More news from the schools.


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