Friday, November 20, 2009


Early this morning God gave me 3 baskets of fruits -LOVE + HAPPINESS + PEACE OF MIND and told me 2 share them with PPL Dear 2 me. I'm sharing all with U...Good Morning!

The sun had rised from the east & birds r singing happily & butterflies R around the flowers. It is time to wake up & give a big yawning & say gd morning to u..

5 steps to a LOVELY MORNINGClose ur eyes, Take a deep breath, Open ur arms wide,Feel ur heartbeat, & Say " Its too early. Let me sleep again.

Always ask GOD to give you what you deserve,Not what you desire.Your desires may be few but you deserve a lot.... Good Morning..

Do u know, what i say, what i think, what i feel, what i think, what i wish, U want to know? I MISS U SO MUCH.

If u wanna know how much I miss u,
try to catch rain drops,
the ones u catch is how much u miss me,
and the ones u miss is how much I miss

Close your Eyes,
Relax your Body,
And stop your Breathing as long as you can...
I Miss you as much as YOU MISSED THE AIR!

Smoking Helps You Lose Weight ... One Lung At A Time!

A 50 yr old man asked wife: Do you feel sad when you see me running behind young girls?
Wife: No, not at all, even DOGS chase cars, but can't drive them !!!

Friendship is a golden chain that bunches two hearts together, if u never break that chain we shall be friends forever.

Some friends deserve 2be thrown,Some friends r good 2 keep,some r 2b treasured 4ever,and i think u r ONE 2b thrown...... .......In the treasure box2b keept 4ever


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