Thursday, November 19, 2009

Say....this is for u ....

Why Are You So Special To Me...

Because you sense the feelings
behind the words.

Because you always see something
positive in me.

Because you are never fake but are always
honest with me.

Because you are a rare combination
of strength and sensitiveity.

Because you are not afraid to step out
into the unknown.

And most of all because I have the privilege
of calling you friend.


We've come a long way
we've known each other far too long
Just to let go
Just to let go

What more can I say
That hasn't been said yet ?
What more can I think
That hasn't been thought yet ?
What more can I do
That hasn't been done yet ?
Or, have I done something
That I should regret ?

Lemme know your hearts desire
Perhaps I can fulfill it
Lemme listen to your heart
'Tis music - your heartbeat...

Is it over yet ?
That special thing we had?
Are we no one for each other?
Is it that bad ?

We've come a long way
We've known each other far too long
And without a fight
I won't let go....
I though you should know...


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