Friday, January 9, 2009

Too lazy to string together a coherent argument, I instead provide links for your reading pleasure.

I'm making a concerted effort to read both interventionist and classical liberal types when it comes to economics with the hopes of cutting down on bias. As a Canadian, it's much easier to come across strong leftish sentiments, but it's reassuring to see that both sides get equally worked up. Check out the comments on Alex Tabarrok's summary of Obama's speech at GMU. I, for one, am hoping Alex is right.

Canada has no coherent government. "Essentially we are arguing that Canada has become a more genteel Somalia." Spicy!

The November stats are in. Consumer spending in America was way down, but volume of consumption was up. Wait, what?

A new blog over at Science has been launched with Darwin's Origin of Species as inspiration. On a related note, Dr. Boli has made a scientific discovery.

(I'm nitpicking here, but hopefully the content of Origins will be better than its grammar. The serial comma is running rampant in the welcome:

As part of its celebration of these two anniversaries, Science will be blogging, with Darwin as our inspiration. On this site, our writers and editors, as well as guest researchers and blog readers, will share their thoughts, not just about the origin of species but also about key nodes throughout the evolution of life, just as Darwin did.

I enjoy a comma as much as the next guy, but that's painful.)


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