Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Even in this modern age, most societies still delineate among social classes through clothing. Unlike the days of the Roman Empire when only high-ranking government officials could wear mauve, there are no longer laws dictating what kinds of clothing people can wear. Social delineation through clothing is more discreet though still prevalent. For example, because of the high prices of designer clothes and accessories, only the well to do can afford to wear them.

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Of course, clothing still shows very clearly what the occupation of a certain individual is. People working in the medical profession wear certain garb that set them apart from people working as firemen, police officers or soldiers, for example. Pastors, priests and other members of religious order also wear distinct uniforms, as do some students in formal schools.

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More interestingly, clothing is also used to express marital status and sexuality. Some married women stay away from very revealing outfits. Though this is not a hard and fast rule in the Western world, it certainly applies to married Indian women who wear special hair accessories to indicate they are married (just as the rest of world wear wedding rings). As a general rule, single people looking for partners wear more revealing outfit to signify their intent to attract a potential partner.

How to Accessorize Women's Clothing

women's clothing, women's accessories, accessory ideas, accessories for women

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Looking your best is not all about buying expensive clothes. If you want to look stylish, think about accessories. Women's accessories can help you can reflect your personality and preferences without being outlandish.

Accessories can be great for defining your good points and minimizing the less favorable ones. They also can help you look more fashionable even without wearing fad or trendy clothing. Women's garments can be accessorized with jewelry accessories, a scarf, a purse, a belt, gloves, and women's shoes. All these items combined can make your outfits look charming and complete.

Tips for Women's Accessories

Choose accessories that coordinate with the fabric, colors, and textures of your clothing. Find accessories for women's clothes that will work with more than one outfit to stretch your budget. For instance, look for neutral-colored items such as hats, scarves, handbags, gloves, and jewelry so you can wear these with a number of outfits. Colors that usually go great with a variety of patterns include plain tan, white, blue, green, red, and black.

With basic women‚s accessories, try to follow the fashion trends. Look through fashion magazines to see what is trendy for the season and change your accessories as needed. You can great ideas on how to combine colors, fabrics, and patterns for a great outfit. Keep in mind that many fashion magazines go to the extreme when it comes to trendy women‚s clothing and accessories. There are some women‚s garments displayed in magazines that you would never dare to wear. So, choose those that you feel will look great on you for the occasion, and leave the others to the fashion models!

You might also be able to use your jewelry, shoes, or belts with different ensembles after you get some new ideas. Many clothing items for women can be interchanged with other pieces to create multiple outfits. So you might wear one shirt with two different skirts or one skirt with several different shirts. Then switch around your accessories to match.

Accessorize with Jewelry

Make sure your jewelry complements your clothing's neckline. If you were wearing an open v-neck blouse or sweater, then a lovely necklace would complete it. If you have a detailed neckline with fancy trim or stitching, try wearing a nice bracelet and eye-catching earrings.

If you have a complex necklace and bracelet set, wear it with something simple. A long necklace will draw the focus away from your neck and face if that's your goal. Avoid wearing earrings that bring all the attention to your ears; they should complete your outfit but not overpower it. A fancy or detailed handbag should be used with a simple, single colored outfit.

Be Trendy and Fashionable

Be sure to wear a variety of accessories; don't wear the same necklace with every outfit or the same scarf with every suit. Mix and match your accessories so your outfits will always be appealing and interesting.

Women's accessories can be fun to pick out and wear once you know how to shop. If you want a new look or need help getting started, pick up some women's magazines to discover what looks good with what and find the styles that you like. Then go through your closet and put together a new wardrobe with dazzling women's accessories to match. Use these accessory ideas to look your best every day!


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