Sunday, August 8, 2010

Walton Ford

It's time for another self-link-o-rama!


1) How to rewild patches of North America with lions, cheetahs, camels, elephants and other modern-day cousins of extinct Pleistocene megafauna.

2) Beautiful photos of ice fishing shacks.

3) Faunal and floral videographers bound for Sundance.

4) Woof!

5) The future farms of disembodied livestock.

6) Visit the Transgenic Zoo again.

7) An air-conditioned landscape-within-architecture-within-landscape architecture-monument-landscape as proposed by the engineer Charles-François Ribart for the site where Paris' Arch of Triumph now stands.

8) When Hal the Coyote paid a visit to Central Park, crazy happened.

9) This is gorgeous beyond compare.

10) #aquaculture: a) retro-futuristic flying saucers migrating perpetually through the world's oceans; b) Fish Works; c) Aquapod®; d) Oceansphere™; and e) AAquaculture.


11) Tune in to The Forest Freak Show.

12) An aviary by Edouard François.

13) These pigeons collect and distribute information about air quality conditions to the general public.

14) How to retrofit Mies van der Rohe's Farnsworth House for the “coming survivalist era of radical sustainability.”

15) Landscapes as organs of extended physiology.


17) It turns and returns and turns and returns.

18) A camera trap captures sublime scenes of wildlife escaping a wildfire and then returning to a devastated landscape. Also captures the firestorm itself.

19) The Animal Messaging Service is an alternative form of communication whereby Extreme Green Guerrillas “send messages internationally by hacking into the animal migration system.”

20) From the American Museum of Natural History, photographs of landscape facsimiles in various stages of recreation; creatures undressed or nearly dressed; ethology imprinted on a three-dimensional canvas; and exterior habitats crammed into architectural spaces.


21) In Small Food Nation, miniature pigs, miniature spring lambs, miniature deer, miniature cattle and miniature other are reared alongside chickens in the backyard.

22) Take a toxic tour through Maryland's industrial poultry landscape.

23) It's the City upon a Chicken yet again.

24) A zoo in Vienna.

25) We're still waiting for Natalie Jeremijenko to design an interface for the living topiary sky garden.

26) A goat that produces spider milk is a former Postnatural Organism of the Month.

27) On bovine subways.

28) Connected by flexible tubing to ports in a perimeter wall, the interior volumes of Chair I and Chair II are literally part of the outdoors, making them inhabitable by insects.

29) On conflict zoos.

30) Yellowstone National Parks's fantamagical wayfinding infrastructure of networked cyborg fauna.


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