Monday, September 28, 2009

Friendship is a golden chain that bunches two hearts together, if u never break that chain we shall be friends forever.

Some friends deserve 2be thrown,Some friends r good 2 keep,some r 2b treasured 4ever,and i think u r ONE 2b thrown...... .......In the treasure box2b keept 4ever

Love is like a fire. Whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn your house down, you’ll never know

I made a list of my dearest persons but wrote them by PENCIL included your name but wrote it with PERMANET INK Coz i have decided 2 keep a friend.

Flowers means honey...,honey means sweet... Sweet means desire ...,Desire means Love...,Love means Friend...,Friend means U sweet sweet…

Friendship is a little more trust, a little less try, a little more laugh, a little less cry, a little more luv, a little less fight a little more WE & a little less I

Keep the lamp of friendship burning with oil of love, bcos sun rises in east and sets in west but friendship rises in HEART and sets after DEATH


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