Monday, July 9, 2007

O. Wilson Link

So it started with one very minor edit to the template, specifically, to replace the four lines from a Reginald Arkell poem with a Robert Smithson quotation, but that led to another tiny edit and then another one and then another and another. It simply snowballed from there. And after a week of almost nonstop tweaking, the tweaking still goes on.

We've been using to see what the blog now looks like in Windows, and because it's an easy option, in Linux as well. The site checks out fine on MSIE 7.0, but on previous versions, not so well. Fortunately, we won't be concerning ourselves with those older versions of MSIE.

However, we definitely want to resolve one problem on Firefox 2.0: the images are not loading. We absolutely have no idea why that is. Is it because they are transparent PNGs? Is it because the images are set (for the moment) to “private” on our Flickr account? Is it because of the machines and the network used by Is it what?

In any case, please let us know what other problems you see layout-wise.

And postings will resume shortly.


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